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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy hour

In the office we have this so called, happy hour or joke time for short. It is a good idea in a workplace to get-off our hands from the keyboard and spend time listening and joining the jokers. Get out from the dark side and stretch out your face a little. This is a healthy way to exercise your face. So have time to get along with your co-workers, indulge your self for a moment of laughter. Let us transform the workplace a place for activity where we can find happiness in small ways like this.

So happy hour to you may friends...


1. What kind of tree you cannot climb?
2. What do you call a tree that is flying?
3. How about a tree that is singing?
4. A wild tree.

1. Bonsai tree
2. FlyWOOD
3. Rico-J PUNO and Victor WOOD
4. Tiger WOODs

Ok laugh.....

Here's another one...

In Filipino, what kind of fish "ang nababasa sa ulan?"

Any answer?

I will post the answer on my next post. I just want to know if someone knows it. If you have an answer please post it and explain. Thank you so much for reading.

Nice Messages

Whenever I miss a friend I always try to create a good message that will make the relationship better and for the readers to feel that they are important to me. I create messages that would make others to know that I care for them and something that would touches their heart. I am creating a message that would touches one soul and something that will make the readers to think of and possibly to make their mind change. I want the readers to change, to change for GOOD and to make life more meaningful. Yahhh. I know I'm a bit serious here but I want things to become more better, more happier and more exciting. I don't know what else to say, I don't even know if this message make sense at all. So let me know, I always welcome your criticism. OK? If you read this message please have time to comment. Thank you so much. Love you all.

This is a sample message I created a few days back:

Every person wants to feel important and to be recognize.
Since we are not a celebrity to have the spotlight
Please be reminded that as your friend I will always have time to make you feel important.
To recognize your greatness and be happy to carry the camera wherever you go.
Thats what friends are for. Godbless.
Its me, tots.

Whats on the News today? YOU SHOULD KNOW Philippines

Better to know and aware about the things around rather than be ignorant and un-informed. You never know when the problem is at hand, better to become aware to know the right action when things go wrong. For me new policy is something that always needs ratification. It means that when policy become a standard then it should go on a process of well deliberation, people orientation, a dry-run implementation, getting feedback, policy ratification, implementation, and then a cycle of ratification and implementation. I don't know if this things will work. I have no idea about Politics and never been in Politics before. I only studied Philippine Constitution way back in College. So laws, bill, policy what I really know about policy and I have it by heart. I should always find GOOD things in every people. That is my policy. The question is, what is your POLICY in LIFE?

Warning aired vs new hiring policy for OFWs
The issuance of a new policy on direct hiring will hinder the job opportunities for overseas Filipino workers and place an additional layer of bureaucracy on foreign employment, according to a recruitment industry consultant.

Employment consultant Emmanuel Geslani in a statement on Monday said that Memorandum Circular No. 4, series 2007 that took effect last Jan. 15 will also mean additional costs for interested employers.

“The new guidelines will reduce the chances of Filipino workers in acquiring their own employers through their own efforts," Geslani said.

Under the new rules, direct hiring of OFWs by foreign employers will be allowed upon approval by the Secretary of Labor and subject to screening of employers and employment contract verification by the labor attaché or the Philippine embassy.

In addition, direct hiring will also be allowed only for members of the diplomatic corps and of international organizations, government officials of ministerial level, and employers who are hiring on one-time or trial basis.

The number of employees to be hired directly shall not exceed 5.

The new rule also directs the employers to comply with stricter documentation and processing requirements. This includes the posting of repatriation bond in the amount of US$5,000 per employee to guarantee the repatriation of the worker or of his remains, in the event of death, and performance bond of US$3,000 per employee to guarantee payment of the employee's salary for the duration of the employment contract.

The bonds could be secured from local bonding companies. They will also provide the employees with health and medical insurance.

Geslani said before the issuance on the guidelines, the contract for direct hiring just needs verification from the POLO (Philippine Overseas Labor Offices) and submission to the POEA for processing.

He said the approval of the Labor Secretary in all cases specified under the new guidelines is just another layer to the process of recruitment and will result to the delay of employment.

Geslani added that the $5,000 bond for repatriation, performance bond equivalent to three months salary, and medical insurance will discourage foreign employers to hire Filipinos.

Labor Secretay Arturo Brion explained that the adoption of a stricter policy on direct hires is aimed at strengthening the protection mechanisms for the OFWs.


When you loose your confidence.

Yesterday and today seems to be a very stressfull and challenging day of my life. That is what I feel with my current work. Customers have too much expectations and my confidence is getting low. That is my problem, I don't know how to pretend like a person who-knows-all. I can't pretend if I don't know. I simply say I don't know but I am trying to learn. My problem is that I have a limited time to learn new things and finding solutions in every cases I have. My network is still small in the office so I have less chance of getting the right solution. So here it goes, I am loosing my own confidence and the same to me with my customers. I hope I could overcome this trials. Just pray for me. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Legal Matters

I don't know if anyone will care to read about this Legal suits. I myself is not much interested about this but for sake of information and awareness and the fact that my company is involve I want others to know if you have any thing to say on this kind of matter. Your comments or suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you so much.
Barracuda claims Trend Micro patent complaint aims to stifle competition
Officials from Barracuda Networks this week decried a patent complaint filed last year by Trend Micro that demands the firewall vendor remove virus-detection technologies -- developed using ClamAV open source code -- from its products.
The patent suit, filed against Spanish vendor Panda Software as well, could mean that millions of users of the ClamAV open source product could be potentially sued by Trend Micro, according to Dean Drako, Barracuda president and chief executive officer.
“Trend Micro's actions illustrate that ClamAV and other open source projects remain vulnerable to commercial patent holders attempting to unjustly hinder the free and open source community,” he said. “Trend Micro appears to be seeking an interpretation of [U.S. Patent No. 5,623,600] such that it would have exclusive control of gateway anti-virus scanning. Scanning for viruses at the gateway is an obvious and common technique that is utilized by most businesses worldwide.”
The U.S. International Trade Commission voted last month to investigate virus- and worm-removal technologies used in Panda and Barracuda solutions.
The inquiry was spurred by a complaint filed last November by Trend claiming that Barracuda and Panda violated section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 by transporting technologies into the United States that infringe a patent owned by Trend.
The case has been referred to ITC Administrative Law Judge Carl Charneski. An ITC spokesman said last week that one year is a reasonable timeframe for a ruling to be made. The ITC will set a target date for completing the investigation early next month.
Barracuda had filed for a declaratory judgment last March to invalidate Trend's patent.
Carolyn Bostick, Trend vice president and general counsel, told on Monday that the use of open source technologies was not the reason her company filed the ITC complaint.
“The issue is not open source. If you take a look at the patent, it refers to a process for scanning and removing malware,” she said.
A Panda representative could not be reached for comment.
Sourcefire, a Columbia, Md.-based network security vendor, acquired ClamAV in August of last year.
Trend Micro sued Fortinet, a unified threat management vendor, in 2004, alleging that the company had infringed on one of its patents in its network security software.
Fortinet settled with Trend nearly two years later for an undisclosed amount, ending legal proceedings in federal court, the ITC and a U.S. circuit court appeal of an earlier commission ruling.
Bostick said the Fortinet case sets a precedent for Trend's suit against Barracuda.
Barracuda, however, claimed that the ITC is the wrong venue for Trend to file such a complaint.
“Trend Micro's claim with the ITC is unfounded since the ITC generally oversees import issues,” said Drako.

Company:Barracuda NetworksFortinetSourcefireTrend Micro


Malware is no longer created, it's being generated

I have to share this article so that others become aware about Computers malware. Be informed and feed your mind with information that would increase your knowledge about the Information System. Thank you so much for taking some time to read this.

The myth of someone reinventing the wheel, namely coding a malware bot from scratch is no longer realistic. Modern malware is open source, modular, localized to different languages, comes with extensive documentation/comments and HOWTO guides/videos.
- Malware is no longer created, it's being generated
The myth of someone reinventing the wheel, namely coding a malware bot from scratch is no longer realistic. Modern malware is open source, modular, localized to different languages, comes with extensive documentation/comments and HOWTO guides/videos. Moreover, these publicly obtainable open source malware bots were released in the wild for free, namely, the coders that originally started the "generators" or the "compilers" generation took, and enjoyed only the fame that came with coming up with the most widely used and successful bot family. Take Pinch for instance and the recent arrest of the "coders". New and improved versions of Pinch are making their rounds online, but how is this possible since the people behind it are no longer able to update it? To achieve immortality for Pinch, they've released it as open source tool, namely anyone can use its successful foundation for any other upcoming innovation. The original coders are gone, the "malware generators" and the "compilers" are cheering since they still have access to the tool. Another popular entry obstacle such as advanced coding skills is gone, anyone can compile, generate and spread the samples, or used them for targeted attacks.
- "Will code malware for food" type of individuals don't really exist anymore
A cat doesn't eat mice when it's hungry, it eats mice when it's already been fed, and therefore does it for prestige and entertainment. Storm Worm is not released by the "desperation department", it's an investment on behalf of someone who will monetize the infected hosts, or who has outsourced the infection process to botnet aggregators. Moreover, there's no lack of IT employment opportunities in times of growing economy, exactly the opposite, the economy is booming, investments are made in networks and infrastructure and therefore people will start receiving incentives for training and therefore the demand for IT experts will increase given the government is visionary enough to invest in the long-term, in terms of education and training. If it's not, structural unemployment will undermine the local industry, you'll end up with software engineers working at the local McDonald's during the day, and coding malware during the night - a stereotype. For instance, go through this article and notice the quote regarding the attitude towards the U.S. Malware coders/generators aren't on the verge of starvation, they're on a mission with or without actually realizing it :
"I don't see in this a big tragedy," said a respondent who used the name Lightwatch. "Western countries played not the smallest role in the fall of the Soviet Union. But the Russians have a very amusing feature — they are able to get up from their knees, under any conditions or under any circumstances. As for the West? "You are getting what you deserve."
It's a type of "Why are you doing me a favour that I still cannnot appreciate?" issue, collectivism vs individualistic societies. E-crime is not just easy to outsource, but the entry barriers in space are so low, we can easily argue it's no longer about the lack of capabilities, but the lack of motivation to participate, and actually survive, that drive E-crime particularly in respect to malware. From an economic perspective, the Underground Economy's high liquidity is perhaps the most logical incentive to participate, which is a clear indication on the transparency and communication that parties involved have managed to achieve.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pinoy's Pride

Is it wonderful to be a Filipino. Filipino are so talented and we should be proud of because our brothers are being recognize abroad. Now the Philippines is known for having people with great talent and gift in Sports, Music and Beauty. We have Charice Pempengco featured on Ellen Degeneres show and on Star King in Taiwan. She makes the Filipino proud and foreigners were amazed with her gifts in singing. We have Manny Pacquiao, the unbeatable Pacman. He won over the unbeatable boxers from Mexico. We have Efren Bata Reyes, the genious Filipino in Billiards. We have Paeng Nepumuceno in bowling. We have Miss Saigon- Leah Salonga and the the Asias Songbird- Regine Velasquez and of course the Asias Queen of Songs Pilita Corales. Who else, our beauty queens, Gloria Romero, Ruffa Gutierez, Precious Lara Quigaman and Mirriam Quiambao. Who else.? Please help me on this? Let the world know that Filipinos are GREAT people. These is where GREAT PEOPLE is living. Yahooooo. Mabuhay ka Pilipinas.

Accident in the street

On my way back home today riding a public jeep which is the usual transportation here in the Philippines I witnessed an accident of a poor young puppy.The jeep detoured to another street and it so happened that he did not notice a puppies crossing the street. One of the puppies was hit. Poor little puppy. At that moment I want to go down and help the little puppy but the jeep continue to move. I saw one of students from a school bus went down and put the puppy in the sidewalk. I pray at that moment that the puppy will recover although I can see that his life will not last for long. This is a sad story, I'm so sorry.

7 Tips on how to get a Raise

1. Do a better job than is expected of you. One and all, the experts agree that this is the prime essential to advancement. In other words, give more and you'll get more.
2. Make sure you do the job your boss wants done. As the personnel manager of large firm says: "You can do the best job in the world,but it's not the one your boss wants, he will find it upsettings."
3. Get along with your fellow workers and others with whom you come in contact. This is very important. Many times people work against themselves in terms of theor personality- and,or course, they seldom realize that they're doing it.
4. Be sure your boss knows what you're accomplishing. Often when a fellow isn't appreciated, it's simply a matter of lack of communication.
5. Be able to make decisions. This, according to the president of a job consultant firm, is a must. "You'd be surprised what a rare trait this is." he says. "Most people do just what they're told and pass all the decisions on to the next fellow.
6. Look for responsibilities beyond your present assignment. The manager of an executive recruiting firm strongly recommends this to the young person on the way up. "A young tiger in the accounting department might say to her chief, "If you need help in the credit union plan, let me know."In from five to seven years, this expert predicts, "she'll be head of the plan."
7. Study at night and keep well-informed. "It's also wire," adds another personnel offices, "to get involved in the community you live in. I don't mean just joining things, but really contributing your talents to the library, the hospital, and any good fund-raising project that comes along."This man's own superior says, "Someday, somebody will say to you, "Joe, what are they paying you in your company? Well, why don't you come with us? We can do better than that for you."

I have 3 Guardian Angel

I got this idea from my friend Ruthie. Visit her blog by going to this link
On my first list, my sweet angel that fall right straight to my heart. She is really an angel to me and for everyone.My heart is beating because of her. Hehehehehe. Actually it is very often I acknowledge a woman's beauty.It just so happened that the first time I saw this little girl in Click- a teenage program way back in High School I know that she will amaze everyone with her beauty and talent.Yes, you are thinking exactly to whom I referring. The one and only Darna- Angel Locsin.I like her because of her beauty. She takes my breath away. I haven't met her, seen her in person, nor know anything about her past but I know and believe that she is a very nice person.You can see how strong, discipline, intelligent, a good daughter and professional this young lady.
Second on my list. The Asias Song bird. Ms. Regine Velasquez. I know that it is not a good decision to have relationship with Ogie. That is called love but it is more than that. And I don't want to comment about it because we don't know exactly the truth behind it. If I could have a chance to talk to her, I will ask this question.She is the angel who will amazed you whenerver she sing a song. A deep emotions you can feel in every lyric of the song. And when she make birit, wow the only word that you can say.
My third ange-coming soonl. I am still waiting for her, yet I am considering Dimples Romana or Toni Gonzaga.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Maging Sino Ka Man

A very heart warming song that goes straight from the heart and goes beyond one soul. Hahahhahaha. I like the version of Erik Santos, for me the male version is better than the version of Vina Morales. He really owned the song and delivered with very deep emotions. Hahahahah. I don't like Erik Santos but it shows in his version that he really deserved to become the champion for the emotions is overflowing whenever he sing a song. I think that is the reason why he won over with Sheryn Regis. I don't know but when I watched the contest my vote is for Sheryn. However I know at that moment that Erik Santos have a big chance of becoming the winner because of his excellent rendition of This is the Moment. Hope you like the song.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Minsan Lang Kitang Iibigin by Wred

The song that I keep on singing everyday. Most of the time I am singing this song at home. I have a version of my own in my cellphone. Hahahhahaha. This is my song dedicated for my Mahal. Though we brokeup I still keep the relationship in my heart. I maybe not moving on complety because I am still hoping that one day we will be together again. I am a broken hearted man but I know and I do believe that one day my true lover will come. So for now I let my God to be the author of my Love life. Hope you love this song.

New work schedule

Starting tonight, I will be working around 8PM to 5AM with Friday-Saturday rest days. Hahahahah. I have to adjust my body clock again. My problem, I have problem sleeping when the sun is still up and the fact that the people at home are disturbing my sleep. I am planning going home on my rest days and stay in Olympic Heights during work days. I have problem before when I lost my weight and got sick because of lack of sleep. My second option is to swap my schedule to PJ. His schedule is around 11PM. With this, I still have at least 3-4 hrs of sleep at night plus the hours if ever I got sleep during day hours. If after few months of work and still I got problem with sleeping I think I will be resigning and find a new job. I don't want to sacrifice my health for this job.

New hair cut

At last after more than a month, I am able to visit the salon to have my hair cut. I attended the morning service in Masagana Mall and went straight to the salon. My hair cutter is bading and in fairness, he/she looks pretier than an ordinary Pinay. Hahahahahaha. When I first saw him/her outside the salon I thought he/she was a girl. I have to wait a couple of hours because he/she have 2 customers on queue. So I entertain myself by watching tv. Bong Navaro is really a talented person, he is an excellent comedian and very good dancer. It is good to see people with such a gift. Hey Malen, I look younger now with my new haircut. Hehehhehe. I know I am always stress with my work. But I am starting to love it, though I have to learn and study a lot.

Bawal Magkasakit

Last Friday I went home early because I have to take my mother to the hospital for her operation. She has a small cyst in her arm which goes back after a year of operation. My mother had trauma after her first operation because she was awake during the operation. So this time she will be operated while sleeping. Her operation is scheduled around 12pm and I came home around 10am, I am still sleepy and tired but this is for my beloved mom. I love my parents and I know they feel it though sometimes I feel not respecting them. Bad boy. We went to Medical City located in Ortigas and we take MRT instead of taking a public bus because it was traffic due to the fire incident somewhere in Guadalupe. We have Medicard-health card I applied for my mom however we were not able to use it because it is not included to our card. They called it PEC- Pre-existing condition. So I have no choice but to pay it from my pocket. That single operation cost around 20k. Wow, look how much you will spend in a simple operation. hahahahahaha. I am still thankful because God is so good. I have money to use for this operation. The true story, I use my backpay from my previous company because the money I have for my current job, I am using it to pay for my monthly amortization. I have a small lot that I need to pay for 4 years and almost all my salary will go for paying this lot. Back to the original story, insted of waiting for my mom in the hospital I go to Robinson Ortigas and check my ATM for the money I bring is not enough for the bill. God is good for when I check my ATM, there is still money. So I also have a chance to pay my monthly bill for the lot. I eat first before going back to the hospital. After a few hours of waiting, my mom came out from the operating room. She looks very pale and very weak. She said she had not eaten her breakfast as advised by the doctor before the operation. We went home with taxi cab and I was so surprise to pay 90 pesos only. Most of the time when I ride a taxi I am paying more than a hundred box going home from work at Eastwood. Nice taxi operator-God will bless those kind of people. So guys, bawal magkasakit. Mahal ang gastos sa pagpapa hospital. So let us love and take good care of our body.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Vincent by Don Mclean

I just want to share the music I listened last night. I was checking my account and suddenly become interested with this clip. Here it goes, hope someone will like it as well. Just play the clip.

I am so amazed while listening to Don with his rendition of Vincent. My hair was standing while listening to this song. I want to quote what Don comment about this song and the origin of this song.

There aren't many people who have the ability to understand others especially those who, like Vincent Van Gogh, "suffered from sanity." "They did not know..." refers to his family & some associates who did not understand him and, "perhaps, they never will."


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My other Career

If I am not working in a Call center what will be my career now? I love to care other people. If given a chance to change my career I want to be in a career with a direct contact with people. Although I have contact with them through phone I rather be in physical contact with them. I love hearing stories and taking care of other people. When I was young I dream of becoming a doctor however, I never got the chance to enter in a Medicine school. I am still confuse if I have to continue my career in call center because there are lots of things I wanted to do. My problem is to know what it is and how to start it. One time in our Sunday service, our Pastor said that we are in the position that was exactly made and planned. That teaching told me to continue and to learn loving my work.
I am in a social service, a doctor or nurse at this moment if I am not in Call center industry right now. I know for a fact that somehow I can still do things I want like blessing ang caring other people in other ways. Actually, I already started it and I will continue to do it because I am happy in doing so.

Your Prediction this YEAR?

Sometimes I feel like a clairvoyant. I always think that I am gifted and can predict things that will happen. Again, i am dreaming but why not try and lets see at the end of this year my predictions comes true. At least this blog will prove that my predictions is true.
My Life- I will become a regular employee. I will be involve in a relationship. I will learn new sports. Will passed certifications. Will go abroad. Will bless other people. Will learn how to drive. Will become a better singer. Will learn how to play instrument. Will have a business. Will win a lottery. Will have a brand new car, house and lot. Will bless more people. Will meet a new person that will change my life completely. Spiritual relationship with God will move to the next level.
I think I listed down my plans and not my predictions? heheheheeh. These are my plans and I am predicting that all of these will happen. I will put a check box at the end of 2008. lets see what will happen?

I have fun with this Prediction-Plan game for 2008. Everyone can make their own list as well. So try it and put a big check on your head when one plan/prediction happened by the end of this year.

Happy checking!


What do you think will be the result of adding a hot chocolate + hot coffee mocha? Hahahahah. The office become so cold this night. There are few people working, everyone is so silent and doing their own stuff. As if we have work to do since its holiday. I always get 2 cups of hot chocolate in our coffee dispenser because I prefer milk or chocolate than coffee. So this is bad news for Coffee business like Starbucks for I am not a coffee addict. I realize that when Call center industry becomes the career trends in the Philippines, coffee business becomes a known busines in the country. So, i decided to change my usual chocolate. I mixed a cup of chocolate and a cup of mocha. Now it taste like coffee, I never taste the chocolate anymore. I don't want to waste it so I have no choice but to drink it. Hope I could still sleep later when I got home. I am thinking of doing a little mix the next time I will get my hot chocolate. We do not have pure milk in the dispenser. What do you think if I use coffee creamer? hahahahah. I will try it next time and see what it taste.

Your Advise for the Year 2008

Everyone have something to say when someone ask for an advise. Since the year is starting, lets start it by sharing our own life advises to others. Let us share and light other peoples lives by sharing our own life experience.

Now is YOUR TIme to SHINE other PEOPLES Life.
You never know How much a person who is reading this needs your ADVISE!
So keep your mind and finger working!
POST your Advise now and let keep this rolling!

When you get tagged, you have to add your name next to the person who tagged you and by doing so you are letting the list grow.

I am passing this tag to RUTHIE, HANNAH, and LIZZIE and MALEN.

Link Love Chain

Todays January 1 in the US and because it is idle time I have a chance to update my blog. So here it goes. I don't know how does it goes with Tagging. I started my blog since last year I was never been active since then because I was busy with my old work. I hope someone will send me a comment how to do the stuff with blog.
Did I make this tag alive? I don't know what else to add with this post. I just copied and post it! Am I doing it right? hahahahah.

I got a tag from MALEN! Thank you Malen. Actually I don't know what to do with this. I juss added it to my blog.

Here's the rule:

When you get tagged, you have to add your name next to the person who tagged you and by doing so you are letting the list grow.
Rachel’s Soulful Thoughts
When Silence Speaks
Dancing in Midlife Tune
Underneath it All
My Charmed Life
Blueberry Cheesecake
Underneath it All
I am Dzoi
Alpha’s Blog
A Handful of Surprises
Digitally Diane
A Life in Bloom
Discovering Canada & Technology
Maid in Canada

I am passing this tag to RUTHIE, HANNAH, and LIZZIE

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Anyone interested with Gokart?
I never thought I will love riding a gokart since my first experience last October when we visited Enchanted Kingdom in Sta. Rosa Laguna. Does anyone relate to me the excitement inside when you are in your high adrenaline. That was the feeling when everything arounds you moves so fast and it feels like you are the only one in the world moving. It is like you are in moving a time travel. Yahh. I know I am over exagerated but if given a chance to do it. Yes, I will definitely will try it again.
My interest moves on when I got the chance to watch an Anime. That is Capeta, a japanese anime regarding a genius boy who have a great talent and extravagant driving skills. It all started with his assembled gokart made by his father. It is a story of his life, his continues journey of becoming a professional cart racer and becoming a superstar in the field of cart racing.
You can feel the excitement and can jive more on the story when you yourself have an experience in racing.
I will often update my blog for any events in gokart in the Philippines. Hope other bloggers will become interest with gokart and who knows we can start a group of gokart team in the Philippines.

My BestFriends Wedding

My bestfriend got married last December. She got married in Singapore where she and her husband are working. It was a simple civil wedding and it was a quick decision when they do it. I never got the chance to witness this memorable event of her life for I was on training with my new work during that time. They actually did not invite people for they do it it secret. I can see that she is happy with her life and I wish that she will continue to grow, and find more love with her husband in the next years to come.
I love my bestfriend, she knows it already because I was able to open my feelings before. That was the time when she told me she will be getting married this December. Finally, I was able to tell her my feelings. Though she knows it, our relationship being his bestfriend will remain. I never got the chance to tell her my feelings. I know it is less than what her husband can give she knows that I am always the person she can count own in everything she does.


I was in the hospital last Saturday to visit my friend who undergoes an operation. Tonsillectomy, the same operation of my sister. Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tonsils are removed. The picture shows the anestesia of my friend. I told her to eat well, take vitamins to gain weight. She become unhealthy since she started working. I know that she acquired this sickness since childhood but I never thought she will become this unhealthy.
We know for a fact that too much sweet like eating too much chocolate will lead to tonsilitis. People like me in a call center industry is also pron to this sickness. Twice or thrice I got my tonsils swelling before and one time I was advised by my doctor to have sick leave. I never got my voice so weak and hard of speaking ever since I work as a call center agent. My advise, rest your voice, less sweets, less cold drinks and take medicine whenever you feel your tonsils started swelling.

Book I own

I bought this book last December from Booksale in Araneta center Cubao. It is a prayer book for everyday lives and for any kind of occassions. I bought this because I want to enhance the way I pray in public. I know that God wants a prayer from the heart but it is also a good advise to learn the ways of the professionals.

I never got the chance to scan and read the whole title of the book for I used to scan book by the pages inside. I was so excited to read the prayer examples for me to have ideas how to create a prayer for myself. It is better to prepare somehow than to cram for words when your in the situation. Actually, the days before I bought this book, I lead a prayer during one of our teams breakfast meeting. Though I have lot of words to say, since I am not prepared and never focus at that time, I mess up the prayer.
If anyone is familiar with the book and if you will look on the label below you will find a sort of scandal in this book. Hahahaha. If anyone have a comment please bring it on now.
I know, no one will dare to read this post for this is not an interesting post. However, I will welcome any comment! Hope one could find a lense or zomm the picture to find what I want the reader to see.

Time Force my new Watch

This is my new watch. This is my birthday gift to myself last October 2007. It was my plan since then to buy a wrist watch but I could not find the right one. I did not expect to buy this watch for I never thought that my money was enough to own it. This is one of my few treasures in life. Sorry guys because I could not find any reviews with this model online however you could find information about the brand below:

Time Force is part of an important holding company, Valentin group, which has extensive, far-reaching experience in the watch sector.It has its own production plants at the epicentres of world watchmaking : Hong Kong, Switzerland, and of course Spain. But this is not the only facet of its international expansion, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Time force also has its own design team made up of top designers, along with distribution scattered around 25 countries over the world.This company’s vast resources are clearly paving the way for expansion abroad. But Time Force’s key to success is the premium quality of its materials and the technology used to manufacture the watches.And, of course, it is essential to highlight the freshness, innovation and avant-garde design of everything Time Force makes.
Exceptional ambassador for the Time Force watch brand During the next four years, the top tennis player in the world, Rafael Nadal, will be part of the Time Force team. It is going to be his international image, as he represents the values the brand wants to convey in the market : a youthful personality with a great deal of strength, truly different from the pack. This major advertising push goes beyond just a television campaign and public relations. The company has designed an exclusive collection of sixteen watches inspired by all the values that a figure like Raphael Nadal conveys. A sporty, dynamic, avant-garde, youthful, powerful spirit, ... A host of qualities that are reflected in this impressive collection.The top basketball player in the world Championship, Pau Gasol, is also on the Time Force team This company obviously likes to make a statement. For this reason, it has signed on yet another major figure in international sports : Pau Gasol, The acclaimed NBA player and winner of the last World Basketball Championship in Japan.This major star also his own exciting watch collection that represents all his strength and elegance. Two qualities that coincide with the current trends in watchmaking : sporty yet dressy designs.Time force has invested major resources in both aesthetics and in raw materials and technology. Each model is a work of art down to the last detail, finely wrought, featuring both quality and design.This new model has 250 references. They all have a common denominator : innovation. Yet each one is designed for a different audience.These collections were launched last September at the company’s headquarters in Madrid, at the same time as the prestigious Iberjoya trade fair. The launch was spectacular, and guests include Rafa Nadal, who was there in person to show his watches. Since then, the collections have kept receiving good critiques and are being bought up in a spectacular fashion by both professionals and consumers. It is clear that this major effort is going to yield excellent results.
P.S. Anyone who can comment about the picture? hahahaha. It is me who manage to picture this angle of myself. I think I have talent in photography?

Facts and Information:

Welcome 2008- My Wish and Prayers

Wow. Its 2008 already. 2007 is gone and we have to welcome the new year. 2007 was a very challenging and exciting year for me. New friends, new relationship, new career, new experiences, success, failures, accomplishments, there is actually a lot of things happened to me.
Today is the first day of the year and I wish that I can bless more people this year. Hope I could touch other peoples lives. Life is full of challenges and sorrow but I want to become a a person who could bring joy and happiness to other people.
I pray to God for me to have a strong mind, humble heart, and conscience soul. Hope this coming days, weeks and months will be a blessing for everyone. To my family, hope peace and love will reign over hatred and sorrows. To my company Trend Micro, continue to become number one in the field of Antivirus and be listed on the front page as number one of Fortune 500 companies in the world. To my career, I pray that I may able to do the job as what my bosses expectation-hope I could exceed more and give more. I pray that I could help each members and our bosses to accomplish their plans for the team and for the company. For my relationship to God- I pray that in everyday of my life I may continue to know you more, touch more people lives and to become the medium for them to know You. To my life partner, hope I could find you now, or if I met you already, I pray that God will open our eyes, our mind and our heart so that we could start spending time to know each other and be happy this year. To my country-Philippines, I pray that God will reign in the heart of the people for you are the only One that could change this country.
Know, I want to challenge the reader of this post to wish and pray for yourself, to others and to your country. Prayer is so powerful, God is so happy to hear you talking to Him. Only Him could make your wish and prayers in life come true.

Song I keep on singing

At this moment I love the song ""Minsan lang kitang Mamahalin by Ariel Rivera. It is kind of related to my past relationship. Though I move on, the pain still remains everytime the memories of past is going back.

Minsan Lang Kitang Ibigin Lyrics by Ariel Rivera

Mahal, pangako sa iyo
Hindi magbabago
Ikaw lang ang iibigin ko
Kahit Ikaw ay lumayo
At masaktan ako
Asahan na 'di maglalaho

* Ang pag-ibig ko'y tanging sa'yo lamang
Kung kaya giliw dapat mong malaman.
Minsan lang kitang iibigin
Minsan lang kitang mamahalin
Ang pagmamahal sa'yo'y walang hangganan
Dahil ang minsan, ay magpakailanman.

Minsan lamang sa buhay ko
Ang 'sang katulad mo
Ako rin ba'y iniibig mo
Dinggin puso'y sumasamo
Sinusumpa sa'yo
Ikaw ang tanging dalangin ko.


Minsan lang kitang iibigin
Minsan lang kitang mamahalin
Ang pagmamahal sa'yo'y walang hangganan

Dahil ang minsan, ay magpakailanman.
Dahil ang minsan, ay magpakailanman.