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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Know the Basic about Malware

Before anything else we need to know the basic about malware. As my trainer said, as malware now is so complex and vey hard to detect, clean or to remove we still have to know the basic about malware so we could easily learn the best aproach how to deal with it.

Malware is malicious software or computer program that performs malicious activities

Types of Malware

1. Virus
- Infect files
- Executable codes / programs
- Inserted into another executable code / program
- Boot virus
- Binary file infectors
- Multipartite viruses
- Macro viruses
- Script viruses

2. Worm
- A form of malware that creates a copy of itself and then sends itself over the network to infect other systems
- Methods of worm propagation
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Instant Messaging (IM) Applications
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Applications
Network Shares
Vulnerability Exploits

3. Trojan

- A Trojan Horse is malware that does not have the capability to spread or propagate.
- Trojan Horse malware cannot propagate by themselves because they do not have the mechanism to send their own copy to another computer
- It gets into a users machine by riding on a third-party application that is trusted by the user
- The user is unaware that the system is infected

These are just the basic types of malware. I will share more information as we go with our journey in having a free malware world. Which I hope is possible.

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