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Monday, April 11, 2011

First Quarter- months of decision and stepping out

I decided to consider moving on another company. I feel like two step backward with the change. The timing is not right based on my carrer plan and life plan. I've waited and finally end my career with my second company by end of the first quarted this 2011.

It never comes to my mind that it will happen this year. Everything comes so fast. But honestly my gut says I want to get out. So I am out now and looking for a better future.

I am blessed, annointed to do more good things this year. That I would claim, I believe and have faith that God will bless me this year.

I suddenly remembered attending Wedding of my good friend last February. We had some dinner before that. I also start dating, going out with a close friend this 1st quarter. I went out with a friend in Manila Ocean park.

I spent more time with my parents during my vacation. I rested as much as I can in my bed. I watched concernt of Bruno Mars at the Big Dome. The past weeks I spent a lot of time with my family and relatives.

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