Friday, March 21, 2008
100 Visitors

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Holly Week, a time for Meditation
Holly week for me is the time wherein we have to stop, be quite and to check ourselves. This is the time for renewing our spirit.
For Christians like me, we should remember that Jesus Christ, the son of God died because of our sins. We have to rejoice because He love us so much. He is deeply in love with us that is why He gave His life to save us.
Apico lordotic view
An apical-lordotic view is a name for a specific type of xray view. Its purpose is to allow the radiologist to see the lung apices, the very tops of the lungs which can be obscured partially by the collarbones on normal frontal views of the lungs. This view is perfomed usually at the request of the radiologist or referring doctor to evaluate the tops of the lungs for tuberculosis, granuloma or other respiratory diseases. The success of this view is somewhat dependant on the ability of the patient to physically cooperate. In recent years this view is seldom done.A patient needing further evaluation for something seen on a conventional chest x ray usually will have a CT scan of the chest which is far more definitive than a routine chest x ray.
I am a health conscious guy and I am nervous what is going on with me if I am sick or something. But whatever it is I have to accept the fact that I am still human and are pron to any diseases.
Rubiks cube addict

Money Money Money
I learned that going into something like, opening a business takes a lot of risk. We have to welcome and embrace change. We will surely will failed but as what they said with these failures we will learn something that will bring us to the top.
I know, all people have their own thoughts on how to be financially stable or to gain more wealth. But at the end of the day, only me, myself can tell if I will take these advises, will follow it and will take the risk.
Manny Pacquiao the new WBC Super Featherweight World Champion.
I am a Filipino, so I am proud that Pacquiao won and I have no rights to questioned the judges decision. I know how Mexicans feel when they think there champ had won for this things happened before when we have our old boxer gals defeated by some foreirners abroad.
8 Facts About myself
Here it goes.
* Each blogger must post these rules first.
* Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I don't know how to swim.
2. Afraid when crossing a railroad.
3. Even the temperature is high, I am slipping with blanket.
4. Dream of becoming a singer or a model.
5. A health conscious.
6. I love dringking milk. Suring at night before I sleep I drink milk.
7. I want to get taller and to gain weight.
8. I love eating but I vomit when I eat "dalagang bukit".
That's it for now. Now I am passing this to the ff: to all my friends.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Janina SanMiguel... the new Miss World 2008

Paolo Bediones: Janina, how are you?
If she won, then let's accept the judges decision. Never under estimate what a person can do. She still have time to study and learn the proper ways in dealing with Q&A portion.
Instead of insulting and judging the person, accept it and let just support her. I know that not every Filipino who judges that person can talk fluently in English. We are Filipino, though English is our second language we should never make "pintas" when someone make mistakes in using it. Even Americans themselves have issue using their own native language.
Ramiele Malubay in American Idol

Ramiele Malubay is one of the Filipinos that makes the Philippines to be known as the origin of people with great talent. Go Ramile, let America knows that you can take over. Whata whata voice you have. Be pround and show the confident of being a Filipina. We know that you can do it to the top. Filipinos are very much proud of you.
Singing is one of the great talent of Filipinos. We are recognize international because of this talent. Filipinos were able to express with deep feelings whenever we sing a melody. I belive that is the reason why we were able to amaze the world.
Take home the bacon girl! Go Ramiele! Be confident, be yourself, do what you want, sing what you want and don;t mind what other people say. Just move on and take pride of who you are. Let the people love you for who you are.
TIPs for the Week
John B. Gough (1817-1886, British-born American Orator)
Bonus Tip(s)
Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.
Edward Eggleston (American writer, historian)
Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
Denis Waitley (1933-, American author, speaker, trainer, peak performance expert)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Life Lessons
While searching in google I accidentally opened my old blog and remembered the times when I was enjoying composing a poem. So being "makata" runs in my blood. Hehehehehehe. I want to share this short poem I composed and somehow I could answer this poem now. I was confused before and don't know where to go, what to do with my life. But God opened my eyes and showed me the reason why I am living. I have answer now to many questions I asked to myself. Why I am living? What is my purpose in life? What should I do with my life? Simple question with simple answer. I AM, or WE are living in this world to LOVE PEOPLE and to LOVE GOD. Simple answer but have a very DEEP meaning. Thank you All for allowing me to share my life with you. Hope I can bless you to my own little ways.
The two poems below I composed last May 15, 2006
===The Gleam in the Dark===
As I was walking in this world
I saw a gleam of light
I tried to reach it
I walk fast
I run
I tried to touch even a glimpse of light
But it is so fast
Its gone and I don't know where to find it
I don't know where I am
I am like a blind with eyes wide open
I don't know where I will go
I am like stupid who don't know the direction
I don't know who I am
I am like have sick with amnesia
Sometimes I let the rain warmth me
I let the sun dry me
I let the wind dry my tearsI
am confused...And I don't know why!!!
Angel of my life

Monday, March 10, 2008
Linker Chain
Thank you Gracey for tagging me. So I will be adding this po.
We all know that we need to get more links from one another join this linker chain.* To get more more traffic.* To increase technorati authority.* To get more back links.* To gain more friends around the world.Heres the Rules:First copy and paste the list below.Do not remove any content from the linker list.Just add One LUCKY NUMBER to your blogs.If you don't like the concept...say no. :-/The main goal here is we are going to circulate our number of friends.The more people who will join the "LINKER CHAIN", the more links we can generate.Lastly, write only ONE LUCKY NUMBER for your blogs...Keep it simple and short, I know some of you have more than one blog.The color for the link should be only black, gray, or white, depending on your blog's theme. Please avoid using any color, ok ?
Hundreds and thousands and millions only no more trillions for chrissake lol.....ok lets get started.
1.) 6966 2.) 609 3.) 066 4.) 066 5.) 606 6.) 669 7.) 699 8.)214 9.)4730 10.) 16 11.0 Your lucky number here
Now, I'm tagging: Rey, Aileen E, Al C, Ana, Bambi, Clarenz, Rufina, Ruthie, and Malen
Romantic strategy from our Office Mate experts
How about my love life? My social life? Hehehehe.
Let me share this article and see if we can relate on this. I know that most of the relationship started at work. Dates, yah we guys I believe were able to date most of the girls in the office. Hehehehehe. Which is true.
So if you’re thinking of making some romantic work history of your own, a few words of encouragement and strategy from our Office Mate experts …
1. Take your time.Taking it slow is important in any relationship, but it’s crucial when considering a coworker who as could easily be your wonderful future spouse as your insane future ex. And this goes triple for we Yers, who, to put it gently, are perhaps most likely to fall prey to that disaster-waiting-to-happen otherwise known as the happy-hour hookup. (Seriously. Remember “How much is too much at happy hour?”)“If you jump into an office relationship and turn it into a hookup, you’re not taking advantage of the one thing that meeting someone at the office offers you — the advantage of time,” says Losee. “That’s silly, and it’s just going to lead to drama.” Instead of letting Cupid catch you unawares (or, um, un-sober) at the local watering hole, take the opportunity to get to know your potential office mate as well as possible before pursuing a relationship.
2. Get out of the office.“Just because it’s an office romance doesn’t mean it’s conducted in the office,” says Olen, who cautions against mooning over your honey in his or her cubicle, or otherwise making yourself insufferable and/or an obvious target for downsizing. This extends to technology, too: Your office romance does not count as office work, so don’t use company tools to carry it out. Because you could find yourself in any number of unpleasant situations, like one Office Mate source, who found herself facing a less-than-sympathetic boss armed with printouts of her instant messenger pillow talk. So try to avoid that.But doom and gloom aside, knowing your office mate outside of work is ultimately good for the relationship. “You don’t want to be two soldiers in a foxhole, thrown together because you work together,” says Olen. “You want to make sure you have more to talk about than work. And if you don’t, then you should take a strong look at your relationship, because you don’t want to change jobs and realize that you need to change boyfriends.”
3. It’s all about the rules.The biggest potential pitfall in an office romance is, of course, an office breakup. Any relationship split can be messy, but things can get especially awkward when coworkers part ways. Handle it wrong, and not only can a bad breakup ruin your reputation at work, it can end your job altogether. So our experts say, do yourself a favor and lay down some ground rules at the very start. “It’s much easier to do when you’re first dating, when you’re in love and it’s all very theoretical, than when you’re at each others’ throats,” says Olen.And even if your partner doesn’t respect the parameters when things go awry, the key is to remain professional and above it all — even if he or she is determined to bring the drama to work and risk taking you both off a professional cliff. But chances are, Olen says, it won’t come to that: “The office romance is the last bastion of old-fashioned courting. Because you were friends, you can remain friends. And you have a different history, because you weren’t always a couple.”
4. Think normal. Many office romantics suffer from serious anxiety. Can you tell? And if so, whom? And how much? “The first impulse when you start dating someone at the office is to drop out of the office gang,” says Losee, “because that’s the best way you can think of not to divulge anything. But you’re just alienating yourself from your network.” It’s possible, she says, to behave with dignity and intelligence, still be part of the group, and be respected for it. “Besides, they don’t want to know all the details!”And speaking of details, avoid PDAs. Married couples don’t neck at company dinners, and neither should you. But you shouldn’t stay in hiding forever, either. “Why does etiquette exist?” Losee asks. “To make people feel comfortable. Early on, discretion makes people comfortable. And as a relationship progresses, and everyone’s aware, openness makes them comfortable.”
5. Don’t worry; no one really minds. Somewhere, somehow, many of us got the notion that office romances were right up there with embezzlement and miniskirts on the list of corporate crimes. Not so, say the Office Mate experts. “Contrary to myth,” says Olen, “most people don’t disapprove. Well over two-thirds are happy for you or don’t care.” It’s a good idea, if you’re considering an office romance, to check if your company has an official policy on dating at work, but the truth is that many companies don’t, and those that do tend to focus on dating subordinates and other potential harassment issues.That doesn’t mean you should keep your boss out of the loop — after all, you don’t want him or her finding out about your love affair third-hand — but you should go in as a courtesy, not cowering in fear. And believe it or not, many HR professionals are actually supportive of office romances, since nothing builds company loyalty like being in love with a coworker. There’s even evidence that after falling in love, your productivity can increase 20 percent. “It stands to reason,” explains Losee, “you’ve got that buzz on, you’re excited to come to work, you want to impress your honey. You’re committed, and you’re going to produce.”
Link: http://jobs.aol.com/article/_a/the-gig-love-blooms-at-the-office/20080304121809990001
Sunday, March 09, 2008
How do we CHANGE the World?
So, if someone ask you how you can change the world? Just provide the word ARK. It means, one Act of Random Kindness at a time.There are actually more than that I learned from this movie.
The story really affects me especially when God was talking with Evan's wife. If you want to know what exactly the reason for building the act? The story said that it is a story of love, about believing with each other. You should know that it was build in pairs. They stood by each other Side by Side.
If someone prays for patience, do you think God will give them patience or He will give them the opportunity to get patient?
If they pray for the courage then God will give them the opportunity to be courageous.
If someone prayed for the family to be closre, do you think God will be a bit fuzz or do you think God will give them the opportunity to love each other.
Most of the time we questions the things that is happening in our life. But we have to understand that all things things happens for a reason. Lets not uestions why it is happening for this is the Opportunity that God is giving us. The opportunity to be good and to be great.God deeply in Love with each and everyone of us that He always think for our own good. Now it is the opportunities He provide, it is our Choice if want to take it or leave it?
The President issue
I was able to watched the trial in the Senate for Jun Lozada's testimony. I had work that night but I choose to stay alive and know the story of this ZTE account. This issue started with the De Venecia's son who was trying to get the deal for the ZTE but lost it with the former Comelec comissioner, Benjamin Abalos.
During the trial, there were lots of known politicians and government officials involved. We have the current PNP chief, Avelino Razon, former secretary Mike Defensor, the former Mayor of Manila- Lito Atienza.
It all falls out to be somehow that the first gentleman Mike Arroyo is involved in this ZTE deal. When the issue arises last year because the press exposed the issue, the government cancelled the deal with ZTE.
During the Senate trial, we can see division and how senators reacted depending on which side (pro administation or anti administration) they are.
My side, I know that the peoples involved are hiding something? Because if a person is telling the truth I believe that you can see and feel it when you are looking and listening to them. So I know that those people in trial, most of them are not telling the truth.
We are grateful these days have come wherein our government started to mature because people begins to standup for the truth and for the love of their country. I am so proud for people like Jun Lozado who are figthing until now not for himself but for the truth. I believe that God will bless him, our country if things go out for good.
With this post, I am proud to say that I am supporting Jun Lozada's campaign, his crusade in seeking the truth for the glory of our country.
Friday, March 07, 2008
My little Achilis

An Angels Prayer
Slow Dance
Have you everwatched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened tothe rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed abutterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fadingnight?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask
How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head ?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch, Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won'tlast.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
Youmiss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopenedgift....T
hrown away.
Life is not arace.
Do take it slower
Hear themusic
Before the song is over.
My traffic Rank

traffic rate care of http://www.alexa.com
What is Traffic Rank?
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.
So if you want to check how popular your site, you can measure it using this tool from Alexia.com site.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Congratulations to ME

Not a good NEWs
Moving on with my story. After ECG, we moved my mother to her room on the 8th floor. After 30 min. of waiting inside no nurse or personnel attended us. So I went to the nusrse station and make complaints again. This is an ER case and still no one was assisting my mother. I am getting hot that night for other that my problem with my mother case I also have work to look forward plus the fact that I still have to study because of my training.
So this is our first day of having a bad/worst experience with the kind of service with World City Medical Center. Second day, after going though some laboratory testing finally my mother is getting better. After lunch a liason representative "Tina" from Medicard told my brother and mother that the case of my mother is not coved with Medicard so we have to pay for the bill. Of course they got mad and asked questions. But Tina is not the right person to get complained about this case. My brother told me about this and I know from that time that I have to prepare myself, I have to gather money to pay for the bill. But I get mad as well because of these incompetent people of the hospitals. They do not have a standard procedure how these kind of things should go. We as their customer should be informed first when our case should be covered or not so that we can decide if we can continue with their service. We should be informed in the first place for I know that this is the STANDARD PROCEDURE in dealing with HMO services. Me and my mother were enjoying this service for almost 4 years. This is our very first bad experience with Medicard.
The second, they asked the nurse if they can go out already since my mother was getting better. They were told that they have to wait for Dr. Roy Salcedo advise/decision and should wait till the laboratory result came out. Here's the problem. There are resident doctor on the floor checking the patients, does anyone can tell me that in this case we have to wait for Dr. Salcedo to came (his schedule is around 10PM and that night he came late-11PM I believed) to tell us if my mother can go home. Is it not possible that other doctors can decide about this? Is it not possible to relay his findings or is there other doctor specialist with the same profession to decide on this matter? I really don't know what to say on this.
I don't know whom to blame with this issue but on the last day of stay of my mother in the hospital I talked to people as much as possible to know what really happened and to know who is/are responsible for this case. Does it really have to take this long. Another question, if the doctor advised for the release of the patient is it not possible for them to release the bill earlier and we will just wait for the laboratory test and get her prescribed medicine? Because we were told that the medicine depends on the laboratory test? If the medicine depends on the test then is it possible to to discharge the patient? We will just wait for the result since we are just waiting for the prescribe medicine. My mother can be dischanged already as advised by the doctor so all she need is her medicine and there is no need to stay in the hospital. What I am trying to say here is that, we are worry about the bill. I, myself are lacking on money already. Last month I take out a big money for the operation of my mother as well. I am thinking about discharging my mother earlier so that the bill for the room and board will stop. But they were told that we have to stay and wait for the laboratory result. The test result came out the third day on/after lunch.
My brother told me that we have to pay the bill before 4PM last Saturday or else my mother have to stay again. The doctor- Mr. Roy Salcedo was informed about the case wherein we have to pay for the bill. He is actually the first person who told my mother that her case is covered with the Medicard. Second person who confirmed was the person in ER (we never got the chance to get his/her name). The third from the admitting officer- Mr. Michael Jesus Espiritu.
So, on the third day I went to the hospital so we can pay the bill but I tried to talk to the people whom I think responsible for this incident. I talked to the Billing personnel, nurses who attended my mother, Doctor Roy Salcedo, the Admission personnel but not Mr. Espiritu beacuse he is on night shift, and Ms. Amy Cuyugan-my company's contact person in Medicard. Since we were running out of time of talking to these people and asking for how we can deal with this case, we decided to pay the bill. After this, I went to the HR department to file a complain. I have a hand written complain forwarded to Ms. Joy Rufano- from Budget Department whom attended my concern since HR was closed that day. I was told that I will be updated on Monday but I waited that day without no feedback. Tuesday I called World City HR and asked for update. No update again. HR supervisor, Mr. Marlon Sunga attended my call and told me that I will be updated the next day till afer lunch. I waited for my phone to ring that day without any updates.
So anyone who spent time reading this post should be alarmed, and should think a hundred times before you will decide to admit anyone from your family members to World City Medical Center.
Beware on how people on that hospital care about their patients. I don' feel the comfort and they have for me the WORST kind of medical service. I am thinking that they should not past the quality standard considering the fact that they have ISO 9000:2000. If only I could forward this post to ISO then by checking World City's Quality policy "Consistent adherence to established processes, policies and procedures" then they are completeley BAD/failed to deliver this kind of quality policy.
Thank you for reading this port. I am still getting hot whenever I remember this bad experience.
A very tiring week
I have to thank our Lord for providing me the knowledge and strength to overcome this kind of situation. Though it did break me up, the situation always push me to my limits, I am so happy for I learned a lot from this experience. I know that God is bringing out the best in me and trying to teach me. It is great to know that behind this difficulties in mylife I learned new things about myself/about life. I learned that I can do anything as long as I have faith and have confidence with myself.
Good News- 2nd Placer

Does anyone knows about SEO or Search engine optimization? Let me provide you some details about it.
As a marketing strategy for increasing a site's relevance, SEO considers how search algorithms work and what people search for. SEO efforts may involve a site's coding, presentation, and structure, as well as fixing problems that could prevent search engine indexing programs from fully spidering a site. Other, more noticeable efforts may include adding unique content to a site, ensuring that content is easily indexed by search engine robots, and making the site more appealing to users. Another class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or spamdexing, use methods such as link farms and keyword stuffing that tend to harm search engine user experience. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques and may remove them from their indexes.
The initialism "SEO" can also refer to "search engine optimizers", a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, URLs, and shopping carts that are easy to optimize.