It's been a long time since my last post. I am so busy in my job and I could not find even looking or opening my friendster. By the way, friendster has become unpopular because of Facebook.
I just want to share some notes I have after listening to this audiobook entitled "The Present".
The Present
Three (3) ways to use your present moment:
1. Be in the present.
2. When you want to be happy and successful focus on what is right now
3. Use your purpose to respond to what is important now
Learn from the past
1. When you want to make the present better than the past look what happened in the past
2. Learn something valuable from it
3. Do things differently in the present
Plan for the Future
If you want to make future better than the present
1. See what a wonderful future would look like
2. Make plans to help it happen
3. Put your plan into action in the present
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Third time for GK- March 2009 round
For the third time I was able to attend the Home Building Program for Gawad Kalinga. Last week, March 2 to 6, 2009 I was on Calamba Laguna building homes not houses.
Our batch is just a small group composed of 16 Volunteers, Trenders from different offices in the globe. We have Trenders from Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, and the US. I met Program Managers, Marketing Assistant, Director, Accounts Receivable Assistant and fellow Technical Account Manager and of course my fellow Trenders from PH. We have Engineer from Consumer group, AV support team and from the IT department.
First time Trend Micro will held our program in Laguna and because the the main camp is in Batangas we stayed in a Hotel. We are lucky because we stayed in a Hotel with some recreational like pools, videoke and other outdoor sports like basketball.
Almost everyday, after the hard days work we go on swimming. One night we also do videoke. We also do basketball in the pool. Totally I really enjoyed the program.
What really touches me is this 3-4 year old boy who learned to do coloring. At first the boy does not know how to handle the pen and he colors overlapping the figure in the paper. We teach the boy how to handle the color pen and after a few minues he learned how to handle and to color inside the figure. I feel very proud myself and prouder with the boy for its like a new step in changing the future of this boy and I become the instrument for it.
First day of the build makes my body ache but I used to it as days go by. I got blister from our first day for we dig a ditch about 6 feet under the groud. I remembered Geoff one of the US volunteers joking and said "People are digging for Gold but we are digging for Shit." We also did planting and painting. We also help in bringing the mixed cement to the site.
We have many kiddie games and I did enjoy more when we did the Hephep Horay which is one of the games from Wowawe. We also did a Carnival Game and for our group we did the Balloon games. Other group did the pokpok palayok, hit the stack cans, and others. Its tiring but I enjoyed as well for we make so many children and people in Laguna to smile, laugh and appreciate our doings.
There are many things and stories I could tell but I will keep things on my own. I would like to share it but there is something which words not enough to explain.
For sure, if given another chance I will submit my application again.
Our batch is just a small group composed of 16 Volunteers, Trenders from different offices in the globe. We have Trenders from Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, and the US. I met Program Managers, Marketing Assistant, Director, Accounts Receivable Assistant and fellow Technical Account Manager and of course my fellow Trenders from PH. We have Engineer from Consumer group, AV support team and from the IT department.
First time Trend Micro will held our program in Laguna and because the the main camp is in Batangas we stayed in a Hotel. We are lucky because we stayed in a Hotel with some recreational like pools, videoke and other outdoor sports like basketball.
Almost everyday, after the hard days work we go on swimming. One night we also do videoke. We also do basketball in the pool. Totally I really enjoyed the program.
What really touches me is this 3-4 year old boy who learned to do coloring. At first the boy does not know how to handle the pen and he colors overlapping the figure in the paper. We teach the boy how to handle the color pen and after a few minues he learned how to handle and to color inside the figure. I feel very proud myself and prouder with the boy for its like a new step in changing the future of this boy and I become the instrument for it.
First day of the build makes my body ache but I used to it as days go by. I got blister from our first day for we dig a ditch about 6 feet under the groud. I remembered Geoff one of the US volunteers joking and said "People are digging for Gold but we are digging for Shit." We also did planting and painting. We also help in bringing the mixed cement to the site.
We have many kiddie games and I did enjoy more when we did the Hephep Horay which is one of the games from Wowawe. We also did a Carnival Game and for our group we did the Balloon games. Other group did the pokpok palayok, hit the stack cans, and others. Its tiring but I enjoyed as well for we make so many children and people in Laguna to smile, laugh and appreciate our doings.
There are many things and stories I could tell but I will keep things on my own. I would like to share it but there is something which words not enough to explain.
For sure, if given another chance I will submit my application again.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Love 2 Love 2 Love
Love 2 Love 2 Love" concert featuring Side A, MYMP and Freestyle on February 15, 2009 8pm at the Araneta Coliseum.
Last year it was named “Back 2 Back 2 Back” featuring these three bands.
As expected Side A did classic hits “Forevermore,” “So Many Questions,” “Hold On,” “Tell Me” etc. once again, as Freestyle does “Before I Let You Go,” “Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang,” “So Slow,” “Half Crazy,” “This Time,” “Time Will Reveal,” “Paano” among other hits, while MYMP is set to dish out their signatures “Tell Me Where It Hurts,” “Kailan,” “Get Me,” “Especially For You,” “Paalam Na,” “Waiting in Vain,” and “Crazy For You,” etc. in “Love 2 Love 2 Love.”
I got the ticket from my college friends and though I have no special someone to watch this concert I still enjoyed.
Last year it was named “Back 2 Back 2 Back” featuring these three bands.
As expected Side A did classic hits “Forevermore,” “So Many Questions,” “Hold On,” “Tell Me” etc. once again, as Freestyle does “Before I Let You Go,” “Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang,” “So Slow,” “Half Crazy,” “This Time,” “Time Will Reveal,” “Paano” among other hits, while MYMP is set to dish out their signatures “Tell Me Where It Hurts,” “Kailan,” “Get Me,” “Especially For You,” “Paalam Na,” “Waiting in Vain,” and “Crazy For You,” etc. in “Love 2 Love 2 Love.”
I got the ticket from my college friends and though I have no special someone to watch this concert I still enjoyed.

Has anyone recognize this mark logo to some of the food, beverages, cosmetics or in any things we consumed everyday? I guess if your a Muslim you definitely know the mesaning of this logo. For Christians like me I become curious what this logo mean. I was eating Voice Combo biscuit when I suddenly seen this logo and ask Mr. Google.
So here's what Wikipedia says about HALAL.
Halal (حلال, ḥalāl, Halaal) is an Arabic term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law and custom. It is the opposite of haraam. The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of Muslims worldwide follow halal food standards[1] and that the global halal market is currently a $580 (U.S.) billion industry[2].
In the Arabic language, the word 'halal' refers to anything that is permissible under Islam.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What I am feeling at this moment
Hi Tots, How are you today? I believe I am not good. I am always stress at work. I hope I can go on vacation and relax. At this moment all I want to do is to laydown and sleep. Eat all d*ay and relax for a few days.
This is late but Happy Hearts Day for Everyone
I know that I am late for this post but never late then never. Allthough I never had a great time last Feb 14 because I spent all day in the office. I never got the chance to enjoy this special day with special someone. I guess its my office computer is my special someone or something, you know. Not a good day for me you know. That day I handled a critical case and spend most of my time in the conference.
Actually I was awaken that day with a pen fallen in my face. After a few minutes my cellphone rung and an officemate is asking for help to handle a case. I decided to go to the office early that day.
SO I guess you will tell that I am workaholic. I believe I am, that is how I am dedicated with my work. But the day before Feruary 14, I am lucky to have a free big bear which I was able to get for the Valentine Event in our company.
Actually I was awaken that day with a pen fallen in my face. After a few minutes my cellphone rung and an officemate is asking for help to handle a case. I decided to go to the office early that day.
SO I guess you will tell that I am workaholic. I believe I am, that is how I am dedicated with my work. But the day before Feruary 14, I am lucky to have a free big bear which I was able to get for the Valentine Event in our company.
Ten Signs That You Are Ready for a New Job or Career
You've been in your job for a few years. You get a decent paycheck and your benefits are helpful. But you wonder if something's missing. You try to tell yourself you should be happy you have such a good job, but some days you have to face how unhappy you are at work.
Are you settling? Are you making do in a job that really isn't a very good fit for you?
Read this list of ten clues to determine how many of these statements reflect how you feel about your work.
1) You get depressed every time you think of going back to work after a weekend, a long weekend, or a vacation.
The closer Monday morning gets, the more a sense of dread comes over you. You feel a pit in your stomach that you can't ignore. You wish there was something, anything, you could do to avoid going to work.
2) You spend more time recovering from work than having fun.
After you leave work each day it takes you several hours to feel like yourself again. You feel so tired all you can think about is sinking into your couch and zoning out in front of your television. You may have difficulty cooking a decent meal for dinner because you are so worn out from your stressful day at work. Over time you realize you rarely have the energy to head out after work with friends. Instead you rely on a glass of wine, a carton of ice cream, or a bowl of popcorn, and a DVD movie as your outlet for fun.
3) You watch the clock all day long.
You look at the clock on your computer, your cell phone, the wall of your office. The time creeps by, slowly, so very slowly. How often do you check the time each hour? How frequently do you check the clock in the last two hours of your work day? When time moves so slowly it's a good sign you aren't enjoying your work any more.
4) You spend too much time checking your personal email rather than working.
There are lots of ways to entertain yourself when you don't feel like working--checking your personal email, sending text messages, surfing the web, scanning opportunities on your favorite job board. How much time do you spend on non-work activities during a typical workday?
5) You take frequent mental health days.
Some days you wake up and just know you can't face a day at work. What do you do? Do you call in sick? Plan a vacation day? Fabricate a doctor appointment? Leave work early? Come up with something you need to do for your children? An occasional mental health day is a good strategy to take care of yourself. If you find you are taking more and more mental health days, you may want to take a look at why you aren't happy at work.
6) You have a resignation letter drafted and waiting.
On really bad days, do you spend time tweaking your resignation letter? Does it relieve some of your feelings of dread to imagine how you'll feel when you submit your letter or to visualize how you'll celebrate your new found freedom? Do you have a time line for when you want to resign? If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to start looking at your options so that you have something in the works when you do submit your resignation letter.
7) You complain about your job to anyone who listens.
Who knows you don't like your job? A better question may be: Who doesn't know? Do your closest friends know how frustrated you are at work? What about your immediate family members? How about your coworkers and colleagues? Do you talk with your hair stylist, manicurist or chiropractor about how unhappy you are? Are any of these people tired of hearing you complain about your work situation? Do they wish you'd get on with your life already? Rather than just talking about what's not working for you, it may be time to do some personal soul searching to determine your next move.
8) You are bored silly at work.
The tasks you do at work don't engage you any more. You've been there, done that. You can do the work in your sleep...some days you feel like you are! While you try to get your work done, you dream of having work that's fulfilling, meaningful, and engaging. You don't know what that will be, but you hope something else is out there that you can do.
9) You are consistently late for work.
No matter how hard you try, you seem to show up late for work. It's like pulling teeth to get yourself out of your house and into your car to get to work. You get distracted by the simplest tasks at home, trying to do just one more thing before you head into work. You may also find that you are showing up late for appointments, meetings, and phone calls. Your tendency to show up late may also manifest in your inability to meet deadlines at work. Although you may chalk your tardiness up to laziness or procrastination, I encourage you to see it as a sign that you don't want to be doing what you feel you must do. Time to look at your options!
10) You hope to win the lottery to solve your life's problems.
When all looks bleak, it's common to look for a miracle to get yourself out of the bind you are in. For some it's daydreaming about winning the lottery so that they no longer need a job to fulfill their monetary needs. Others may dream about what they'll do when they recieve an inheritance, finding a spouse who is stable financially, or winning big at Vegas. Whatever your dream, it's likely you are searching for confirmation that your time in this job is limited.
If you recognize any of these signs in your own life, it's time to make a commitment to yourself to explore your work options. Don't waste the days of your life in a job you don't like. Even if you can't make a move today, you can start exploring your options today. As soon as you envision what you want to do, the path that will take you to your future work will become clearer and clearer.
Are you settling? Are you making do in a job that really isn't a very good fit for you?
Read this list of ten clues to determine how many of these statements reflect how you feel about your work.
1) You get depressed every time you think of going back to work after a weekend, a long weekend, or a vacation.
The closer Monday morning gets, the more a sense of dread comes over you. You feel a pit in your stomach that you can't ignore. You wish there was something, anything, you could do to avoid going to work.
2) You spend more time recovering from work than having fun.
After you leave work each day it takes you several hours to feel like yourself again. You feel so tired all you can think about is sinking into your couch and zoning out in front of your television. You may have difficulty cooking a decent meal for dinner because you are so worn out from your stressful day at work. Over time you realize you rarely have the energy to head out after work with friends. Instead you rely on a glass of wine, a carton of ice cream, or a bowl of popcorn, and a DVD movie as your outlet for fun.
3) You watch the clock all day long.
You look at the clock on your computer, your cell phone, the wall of your office. The time creeps by, slowly, so very slowly. How often do you check the time each hour? How frequently do you check the clock in the last two hours of your work day? When time moves so slowly it's a good sign you aren't enjoying your work any more.
4) You spend too much time checking your personal email rather than working.
There are lots of ways to entertain yourself when you don't feel like working--checking your personal email, sending text messages, surfing the web, scanning opportunities on your favorite job board. How much time do you spend on non-work activities during a typical workday?
5) You take frequent mental health days.
Some days you wake up and just know you can't face a day at work. What do you do? Do you call in sick? Plan a vacation day? Fabricate a doctor appointment? Leave work early? Come up with something you need to do for your children? An occasional mental health day is a good strategy to take care of yourself. If you find you are taking more and more mental health days, you may want to take a look at why you aren't happy at work.
6) You have a resignation letter drafted and waiting.
On really bad days, do you spend time tweaking your resignation letter? Does it relieve some of your feelings of dread to imagine how you'll feel when you submit your letter or to visualize how you'll celebrate your new found freedom? Do you have a time line for when you want to resign? If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to start looking at your options so that you have something in the works when you do submit your resignation letter.
7) You complain about your job to anyone who listens.
Who knows you don't like your job? A better question may be: Who doesn't know? Do your closest friends know how frustrated you are at work? What about your immediate family members? How about your coworkers and colleagues? Do you talk with your hair stylist, manicurist or chiropractor about how unhappy you are? Are any of these people tired of hearing you complain about your work situation? Do they wish you'd get on with your life already? Rather than just talking about what's not working for you, it may be time to do some personal soul searching to determine your next move.
8) You are bored silly at work.
The tasks you do at work don't engage you any more. You've been there, done that. You can do the work in your sleep...some days you feel like you are! While you try to get your work done, you dream of having work that's fulfilling, meaningful, and engaging. You don't know what that will be, but you hope something else is out there that you can do.
9) You are consistently late for work.
No matter how hard you try, you seem to show up late for work. It's like pulling teeth to get yourself out of your house and into your car to get to work. You get distracted by the simplest tasks at home, trying to do just one more thing before you head into work. You may also find that you are showing up late for appointments, meetings, and phone calls. Your tendency to show up late may also manifest in your inability to meet deadlines at work. Although you may chalk your tardiness up to laziness or procrastination, I encourage you to see it as a sign that you don't want to be doing what you feel you must do. Time to look at your options!
10) You hope to win the lottery to solve your life's problems.
When all looks bleak, it's common to look for a miracle to get yourself out of the bind you are in. For some it's daydreaming about winning the lottery so that they no longer need a job to fulfill their monetary needs. Others may dream about what they'll do when they recieve an inheritance, finding a spouse who is stable financially, or winning big at Vegas. Whatever your dream, it's likely you are searching for confirmation that your time in this job is limited.
If you recognize any of these signs in your own life, it's time to make a commitment to yourself to explore your work options. Don't waste the days of your life in a job you don't like. Even if you can't make a move today, you can start exploring your options today. As soon as you envision what you want to do, the path that will take you to your future work will become clearer and clearer.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Dear President
Good day Madam President
It is a challenge for me to do this letter but I would like to tell the world the feelings I have with regards with our country. I would like to write something in Philippine history the say of a simple man like me about the condition and what I think most people think about our country.
Ms. Gloria Macapagal was elected as Vice President of our country when Joseph Etrada was elected as our 13th president. Due to Jueteng parolla controversy that was revealled by his companion and the Ilocos Governor Chavit Singson he was forced to resign as president of the Philippines. Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo becomes the president of our country that day. All Filipinos are hoping that life becomes much better because the country is in the hands of a woman, once more. First was with Corazon Aquino- but sorry to say she is not a good leader for me for there is no such great opportunies or good things done during here presidency. Life of Filipinos continues to go down from Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino, to Fidel Ramos, to Joseph Estrado and worsten with the hands of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
For the first time in the history of Philippines when a President got a negative zero approval rate from the results of survey. Another thing, how many times she change her Administration officials. Even the frequent changes of positions for Department of Justice, the people in the Department of Defence and the Policeman Generals. Now look on the people you appointed for these positions? If you have power to change these people why can't you yourself goes down and look for a worthy one.
There are so many people who goes on strike, rallies, people who resigned during her presidency and even people who goes out publicly to tell the problem and your wrong doings.You loose our trust and our hope. Trust for me is very important for a leader. You become a leader because we trust you, we believe in you. Now if a single person does not trust you I believe that you have to re-examine yourself and see if you are still worthy.
You heard a lot of advises, feedback from your countrymen, seeing the current situation, I know that you are very stressful and pressured but you should act now. You have to listen to your conscience and think that your family will suffer for the years or generations to come.
I am saying this because I would like you to go down to your chair because you lost your credibility, your integrity and the trust of millions of Filipino.
We suffered a lot from your actions and we need change. We need someone who can run, who can handle this country better. A nationalist person, a person who thinks not for himself but for the good of his country.
I know it is easy for me to say these things for I am not in your position. But you need to re-examine yourself, the people around you if you are still worthy to be called a leader.
Just to add, I am not agaist the government for I still believe that we need government which will lead the people. But we need people who are trusted and have a great credibility and integrity.
Hope you can hear these words.
It is a challenge for me to do this letter but I would like to tell the world the feelings I have with regards with our country. I would like to write something in Philippine history the say of a simple man like me about the condition and what I think most people think about our country.
Ms. Gloria Macapagal was elected as Vice President of our country when Joseph Etrada was elected as our 13th president. Due to Jueteng parolla controversy that was revealled by his companion and the Ilocos Governor Chavit Singson he was forced to resign as president of the Philippines. Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo becomes the president of our country that day. All Filipinos are hoping that life becomes much better because the country is in the hands of a woman, once more. First was with Corazon Aquino- but sorry to say she is not a good leader for me for there is no such great opportunies or good things done during here presidency. Life of Filipinos continues to go down from Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino, to Fidel Ramos, to Joseph Estrado and worsten with the hands of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
For the first time in the history of Philippines when a President got a negative zero approval rate from the results of survey. Another thing, how many times she change her Administration officials. Even the frequent changes of positions for Department of Justice, the people in the Department of Defence and the Policeman Generals. Now look on the people you appointed for these positions? If you have power to change these people why can't you yourself goes down and look for a worthy one.
There are so many people who goes on strike, rallies, people who resigned during her presidency and even people who goes out publicly to tell the problem and your wrong doings.You loose our trust and our hope. Trust for me is very important for a leader. You become a leader because we trust you, we believe in you. Now if a single person does not trust you I believe that you have to re-examine yourself and see if you are still worthy.
You heard a lot of advises, feedback from your countrymen, seeing the current situation, I know that you are very stressful and pressured but you should act now. You have to listen to your conscience and think that your family will suffer for the years or generations to come.
I am saying this because I would like you to go down to your chair because you lost your credibility, your integrity and the trust of millions of Filipino.
We suffered a lot from your actions and we need change. We need someone who can run, who can handle this country better. A nationalist person, a person who thinks not for himself but for the good of his country.
I know it is easy for me to say these things for I am not in your position. But you need to re-examine yourself, the people around you if you are still worthy to be called a leader.
Just to add, I am not agaist the government for I still believe that we need government which will lead the people. But we need people who are trusted and have a great credibility and integrity.
Hope you can hear these words.
Two movies on Monday
After my movie marathon last Sunday, the next day I watch my saved movies at home.
First is entitled Frost/Nixon. It is a story about the man- David Frost who challenge himself to interviewed the resigned 37th President of the United States due to Watergate case. He was able to bring out some truth and the true feeling and color of the ex-president. That is the highlight of the story.
From this story I suddenly think of the current status of our government. I know there is similarities to what is happening to our country. The only difference is that the Philippine government officials though they know to themselves that they are saying not the truth they still have face to and keeping themselves in their position.
I am hoping that these Government officials learned to accept their wrong doings and correct it.
Now the second movie is entitle "The Express". Is is a story of a great Black American who excell in American Football. At that time, Black people or they called Negro is considered a low level people with the White people. There is a racial descrimination in the Amerika especially in Texas state. The highlight of this story goes when his Football coach change his thinking and his treat to this young Negro "Ernie Davis" and to other Black Americans. Ernie died at the age of 23 because of his leukemia.
I still recommend that Philippined government officials to watch Frost/Nixon movie and hope they change. And for people who look themselves superior that the others, and for those people whose degrading themselves to watch The Express. You will find these two movies very inspiring.
First is entitled Frost/Nixon. It is a story about the man- David Frost who challenge himself to interviewed the resigned 37th President of the United States due to Watergate case. He was able to bring out some truth and the true feeling and color of the ex-president. That is the highlight of the story.
From this story I suddenly think of the current status of our government. I know there is similarities to what is happening to our country. The only difference is that the Philippine government officials though they know to themselves that they are saying not the truth they still have face to and keeping themselves in their position.
I am hoping that these Government officials learned to accept their wrong doings and correct it.
Now the second movie is entitle "The Express". Is is a story of a great Black American who excell in American Football. At that time, Black people or they called Negro is considered a low level people with the White people. There is a racial descrimination in the Amerika especially in Texas state. The highlight of this story goes when his Football coach change his thinking and his treat to this young Negro "Ernie Davis" and to other Black Americans. Ernie died at the age of 23 because of his leukemia.
I still recommend that Philippined government officials to watch Frost/Nixon movie and hope they change. And for people who look themselves superior that the others, and for those people whose degrading themselves to watch The Express. You will find these two movies very inspiring.
Life lessons
Movie Marathon
Last Sunday I went to movie house and use my winning Movie pass tickets. I got those two movie passed during one of the Events in our company. It will actualy expired this coming Sunday of February so I decided to use it.
I got to the movie house around 6PM. Ahead, I plan to watch Australia but it is already started so I go for Inkheart.
Inkheart is a story about a person they called him- Silver tongue because everything he read from a book will go into life or will happen. Any kind of things like an extra ordinary creatures or even the characters from the story or book is like they wil come into life. The story goes like the main character is seekking ways to bring his wife came out from the book because it happened then wheneve a character goes out from the book someone will go into the book. The story ended when his daugther, happened to be a Silver tongue as well make way to change the story and bring everything back to normal.
After this movie, good to me that I can still catch the next screening for Australia. Is was almost 8PM when the movie started. I am hungry that time and don't have time to go out to the movie house to buy food for I do not want to miss the start.
Australia, from the title itself happened and about the history of Australia. The movie is about the history of Australis during world war 2 when Japanese envades countries in Asia. The story is about the woman who lost her husband who at that time have a ranch in Australia. The land is called "Far Away Down". The woman- Nicole Kidman able to find new love from an Austalian man (aka. Driver / Drover) and find her motherhood love with this young kid named Nala. Nala is a native Australian boy whom Nicole "Ashley" love as if her own.
Overall, I am satisfied and happy for the movies. I recommend Australia for it is a great movie. You will find yourself inspired and will learn a lot of things from this story. About the story of love, sacrifice, acceptance, being strong, faith, hope, equallness, understanding and a lot more. You will learn alot of life lessons in this story. This is a life or history and that is one of the reason why I wath this movie for I know I will learn a lot from it. And it is true.
I got to the movie house around 6PM. Ahead, I plan to watch Australia but it is already started so I go for Inkheart.
Inkheart is a story about a person they called him- Silver tongue because everything he read from a book will go into life or will happen. Any kind of things like an extra ordinary creatures or even the characters from the story or book is like they wil come into life. The story goes like the main character is seekking ways to bring his wife came out from the book because it happened then wheneve a character goes out from the book someone will go into the book. The story ended when his daugther, happened to be a Silver tongue as well make way to change the story and bring everything back to normal.
After this movie, good to me that I can still catch the next screening for Australia. Is was almost 8PM when the movie started. I am hungry that time and don't have time to go out to the movie house to buy food for I do not want to miss the start.
Australia, from the title itself happened and about the history of Australia. The movie is about the history of Australis during world war 2 when Japanese envades countries in Asia. The story is about the woman who lost her husband who at that time have a ranch in Australia. The land is called "Far Away Down". The woman- Nicole Kidman able to find new love from an Austalian man (aka. Driver / Drover) and find her motherhood love with this young kid named Nala. Nala is a native Australian boy whom Nicole "Ashley" love as if her own.
Overall, I am satisfied and happy for the movies. I recommend Australia for it is a great movie. You will find yourself inspired and will learn a lot of things from this story. About the story of love, sacrifice, acceptance, being strong, faith, hope, equallness, understanding and a lot more. You will learn alot of life lessons in this story. This is a life or history and that is one of the reason why I wath this movie for I know I will learn a lot from it. And it is true.
Life lessons,
Learning Nihong go
Sumimasen. This is the first word I learned from the audio Nihong go lesson lend to me by my officemate. One day we were exchanging mp3 and then she opened about this mihong go audio lessons. I was self studying nihong go before. I am trying to learn how to write katakana ang hiragana and I even bough a book guide for it.
Now while in the office and even at home while doing nothing I keep on listening to it.
Here are my notes.
Pimsleur Japanese 1 - Unit 1 Notes
sumimasen eigo ga wakarimasu ka? - Excuse me, do you understand English?
iie wakarimasen. nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? - No, I don't understand. Do you understand Japanese?
hai, sukoshi wakarimasu - Yes, I understand a little
anata wa amerika jin desu ka? - Are you American?
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
~~ new vocabulary ~~
sumimasen - excuse me
eigo - English
eigo ga - English (as used in a sentence)
wakarimasu ka - Do you understand?
eigo ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand English?
ka - spoken question mark
iie - no
wakarimasu - I understand
wakarimasen - I don't understand
iie wakarimasen - No, I don't understand
nihon go - Japanese language
nihon go ga - Japanese language (as used in a sentence)
nihon go ga wakarimasu - I understand Japanese
nihon go ga wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
sukoshi - a little
sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand a little
nihon go ga sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand Japanese a little
amerika jin - American
anata wa - You (when used in a sentence)
desu - am/are
anata wa amerika jin desu - You are American
anata wa amerika jin desu ka - Are you American?
watashi wa - I (when used in a sentence)
watashi wa desu - I am
watashi wa amerika jin desu - I am American
nihon go ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand Japanese?
hai - yes
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
Now while in the office and even at home while doing nothing I keep on listening to it.
Here are my notes.
Pimsleur Japanese 1 - Unit 1 Notes
sumimasen eigo ga wakarimasu ka? - Excuse me, do you understand English?
iie wakarimasen. nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? - No, I don't understand. Do you understand Japanese?
hai, sukoshi wakarimasu - Yes, I understand a little
anata wa amerika jin desu ka? - Are you American?
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
~~ new vocabulary ~~
sumimasen - excuse me
eigo - English
eigo ga - English (as used in a sentence)
wakarimasu ka - Do you understand?
eigo ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand English?
ka - spoken question mark
iie - no
wakarimasu - I understand
wakarimasen - I don't understand
iie wakarimasen - No, I don't understand
nihon go - Japanese language
nihon go ga - Japanese language (as used in a sentence)
nihon go ga wakarimasu - I understand Japanese
nihon go ga wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
sukoshi - a little
sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand a little
nihon go ga sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand Japanese a little
amerika jin - American
anata wa - You (when used in a sentence)
desu - am/are
anata wa amerika jin desu - You are American
anata wa amerika jin desu ka - Are you American?
watashi wa - I (when used in a sentence)
watashi wa desu - I am
watashi wa amerika jin desu - I am American
nihon go ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand Japanese?
hai - yes
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Waste by Jonathan Thulin
While checkng Youtube to see the contestants for American Idol Season 8 for 2009 I found this song very touching and the fact that I was able to relate to it. I suddenly love this song and the fact that its a Christian music and it simply have great impact on me.
Jonathan Thulin is an artist/songwriter based out of Minneapolis, MN. Originally from Sweden he brings unique music to many different genres. Singing since he was a little boy Jonathan says, "Music was always my passion, is my passion, and will always be my passion". Though many of Jonathan's songs spark from his love for God, he also writes from his personal experiences which makes it easy for his listeners to relate. Jonathan is currently traveling in full-time ministry with his family.
Hope you like it too.
Waste by Jonathan Thulin
Not gonna waste
Im not gonna wasted
I sat down on this chair
Just the other day
Thinking how of the thing
My life has try'n to say
Whats my purpose my creed
Where theres simplicity
Above the thing I say I believe
Been so hurt in the past
My struggles seem to weigh
Me down into the dust
Been feeling out of church
Realize if my pain is all Im thinking of
Where will the joy confirm
So Im not gonna waste another day
Im not gonna waste another tear
Im not gonna waste another breath
Im not gonna waste another word
Im not gonna waste my turn again
Im not gonna waste my happy end
Im sorry heartache
But Im not gonna waste another moment on you
no no no
When did I lose that fire
The burn I used to have
Lost my faith appetite
Believing in the bad
My focus has been tourned
But running in reverse
I lost my will to say
Repeat *
I found myself behind the wall
But its not gonna block me
I found myself inside the storm
But its not gonna moving me
I found myself beneath of you Lord
In every situation
ohh I need to be renewed
yehhhh ohhh o ahhhh woooo
Repeat *
Im sorry heartache
But Im not gonna wasted
Im sorry heartache
But im not gonna waste another moment on you
Im not gonna wasted
Try to hear the music from this link:
I could not find the lyrics online so if someone could correct it, please do so. Thanks again.
I might be a fan of this guy, hope if he will join American Idol then I would pray that he could make it to the Final. Good luck Jonathan Thulin.
Buy his Album:
Jonathan Thulin is an artist/songwriter based out of Minneapolis, MN. Originally from Sweden he brings unique music to many different genres. Singing since he was a little boy Jonathan says, "Music was always my passion, is my passion, and will always be my passion". Though many of Jonathan's songs spark from his love for God, he also writes from his personal experiences which makes it easy for his listeners to relate. Jonathan is currently traveling in full-time ministry with his family.
Hope you like it too.
Waste by Jonathan Thulin
Not gonna waste
Im not gonna wasted
I sat down on this chair
Just the other day
Thinking how of the thing
My life has try'n to say
Whats my purpose my creed
Where theres simplicity
Above the thing I say I believe
Been so hurt in the past
My struggles seem to weigh
Me down into the dust
Been feeling out of church
Realize if my pain is all Im thinking of
Where will the joy confirm
So Im not gonna waste another day
Im not gonna waste another tear
Im not gonna waste another breath
Im not gonna waste another word
Im not gonna waste my turn again
Im not gonna waste my happy end
Im sorry heartache
But Im not gonna waste another moment on you
no no no
When did I lose that fire
The burn I used to have
Lost my faith appetite
Believing in the bad
My focus has been tourned
But running in reverse
I lost my will to say
Repeat *
I found myself behind the wall
But its not gonna block me
I found myself inside the storm
But its not gonna moving me
I found myself beneath of you Lord
In every situation
ohh I need to be renewed
yehhhh ohhh o ahhhh woooo
Repeat *
Im sorry heartache
But Im not gonna wasted
Im sorry heartache
But im not gonna waste another moment on you
Im not gonna wasted
Try to hear the music from this link:
I could not find the lyrics online so if someone could correct it, please do so. Thanks again.
I might be a fan of this guy, hope if he will join American Idol then I would pray that he could make it to the Final. Good luck Jonathan Thulin.
Buy his Album:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Open Climb
A college friend invited me to join an OPen Climb this end of January till first day of February. I have the form already but I need to scan and send it back to her. I also need to transfer and deposit for the registration fee of P600.
Sinarubot Mountaineering Club organize this Open Climb event going to Mt. Kalisungan at Brgy. Lamot, Calauan, Laguna Philippines.
Sinarubot - ([s-nä-rü-bot], pang.Fil]) 1. Pagkaing may ibat-ibang sangkap na naluto ng masarap,
2. Samahan/pamilya/tribung tinayo noong 2005 ng mga taong galing sa iba't-ibang larangan na nagkakasundo sa pag-akyat ng bundok.
Source link:
Calauan, Laguna
Jump-off point: Erais Farms, Brgy. Lamot, Calauan
LLA: 14° 08.790N; 121° 20.683E; 760 MASL
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2.5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-2
In Laguna, there is a mountain that has many names. Some call it Mt. Calauan or Mt. Nagcarlan after the two towns it borders; others call it Mt. Lamot because it lies in Brgy. Lamot, and it may have been a mossy forest a long time ago. There is growing consensus, however, that this mountain, rising to 760 MASL, should be known as Mt. Kalisungan.
Japanese guerillas, at the twilight of World War II, made Mt. Kalisungan their last stand in Laguna. Afterwards, locals erected a white cross at its peak. It has become a local Holy Week custom to climb the mountain. Throughout the year, Mt. Kalisungan receives ample rainfall, and because of its relatively rustic location, its great charm lies in its serenity.
Verdant fields surround the slopes of Kalisungan. There are coconut trees, banana plantations, corn fields, citrus orchards, and vast grasslands leading to the summit. As one goes higher, the view becomes more distinct: directly in front of you, to the north, is Talim island with its Mt. Tagapo shaped like a young woman’s breast; you can also see Jalajala peninsula jutting into Laguna Lake like a ship, with Mt. Sembrano on its helm. Moving your eyes to east, the highlands of Caliraya appear. And once you reach the peak, you will be able to glimpse upon the seven lakes of San Pablo, flanked by Mt. Cristobal and Mt. Banahaw. Then, from a distance there is Mt. Makiling, to the west, completing the circle.
Sinarubot Mountaineering Club organize this Open Climb event going to Mt. Kalisungan at Brgy. Lamot, Calauan, Laguna Philippines.
Sinarubot - ([s-nä-rü-bot], pang.Fil]) 1. Pagkaing may ibat-ibang sangkap na naluto ng masarap,
2. Samahan/pamilya/tribung tinayo noong 2005 ng mga taong galing sa iba't-ibang larangan na nagkakasundo sa pag-akyat ng bundok.
Source link:
Calauan, Laguna
Jump-off point: Erais Farms, Brgy. Lamot, Calauan
LLA: 14° 08.790N; 121° 20.683E; 760 MASL
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2.5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-2
In Laguna, there is a mountain that has many names. Some call it Mt. Calauan or Mt. Nagcarlan after the two towns it borders; others call it Mt. Lamot because it lies in Brgy. Lamot, and it may have been a mossy forest a long time ago. There is growing consensus, however, that this mountain, rising to 760 MASL, should be known as Mt. Kalisungan.
Japanese guerillas, at the twilight of World War II, made Mt. Kalisungan their last stand in Laguna. Afterwards, locals erected a white cross at its peak. It has become a local Holy Week custom to climb the mountain. Throughout the year, Mt. Kalisungan receives ample rainfall, and because of its relatively rustic location, its great charm lies in its serenity.
Verdant fields surround the slopes of Kalisungan. There are coconut trees, banana plantations, corn fields, citrus orchards, and vast grasslands leading to the summit. As one goes higher, the view becomes more distinct: directly in front of you, to the north, is Talim island with its Mt. Tagapo shaped like a young woman’s breast; you can also see Jalajala peninsula jutting into Laguna Lake like a ship, with Mt. Sembrano on its helm. Moving your eyes to east, the highlands of Caliraya appear. And once you reach the peak, you will be able to glimpse upon the seven lakes of San Pablo, flanked by Mt. Cristobal and Mt. Banahaw. Then, from a distance there is Mt. Makiling, to the west, completing the circle.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Skin Care
I have an oily skin, due to hormone imbalance, lack of sleep and stress at work so I always have acne in my face. I have to regularly visit my derma for treatment but after a few weeks acne is coming back. Sometimes I become so crazy on finding the right medicine to get rid of this to my life.
Currently, I use toner, and tretinoin to treat it. Regular cleaning, a good sleep, less stress, and regular facial prevents it from coming.
I found some information that might help for those like me who need some advice.
Acne Treatment
The Condition
Treatments Available
The Condition
All forms of acne start with one basic lesion known as the comedo. A comedo is an enlarged hair follicle that is clogged with oil and bacteria. The comedo, which is invisible to the naked eye, is just waiting underneath the surface of your skin until certain conditions lead to its growth into an inflamed lesion. Bacteria thrive inside the swollen follicle as the skin continues to produce more oil. Inflammation of the surrounding skin increases while your white blood cells fight against the bacteria.
The different types of acne are:
1. Non-inflammatory Acne
Closed comedo or whitehead: The lesion is called a closed comedo or a whitehead when the clogged follicle remains underneath the surface of the skin. These lesions in the skin usually come into sight as small whitish bumps.
Open comedo or blackhead: An open comedo or a blackhead is a lesion wherein the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin. It has always been thought that the dark appearance of the plug is due to dirt. Actually, this is due to the buildup of melanin, which is the dark pigment of the skin that causes the plug’s dark appearance.
2. Inflammatory Acne
Papule: The papule is the mildest form of inflammatory acne. This manifests as a small, firm pink bump on the skin. This lesion is usually tender when touched and most of the time thought of as an intermediary step between non-inflammatory and clearly inflammatory lesions.
Pustule: A pustule is a small round lesion similar to the papule. On the other hand, a pustule, unlike a papule, is clearly inflamed and has visible pus. It usually appears red at the base and has a yellowish or whitish center. This lesion usually does not have a lot of bacteria. The chemical irritation from the sebum components such as fatty free acids is what commonly causes the inflammation.
Nodule or cyst: This is an inflamed lesion that contains a lot of pus and is stuck deep within the skin. They are usually large and painful. When the contents of a comedo have leaked out into the surrounding skin, nodules start to develop. As the local immune system responds, it leads to the production of pus. Nodules are considered to be the most severe form of acne lesion and they may last for weeks or months. The contents of a lesion harden into a deep cyst. Most of the time, the nodules and cysts leave behind deep scars.
Acne conglobata: This lesion is a rare but serious form of inflammatory acne. They develop most of the time on the back, buttocks, and chest. Together with the presence of pustules and nodules, severe bacterial infection may also be present.
Acne can be caused by a combination of factors at work deep down the surface of your skin. There are five primary factors which contribute to the production of acne. Each of these factors differs between individuals.
Causes of Acne:
Hormones: Majority of those suffering from acne usually reports seeing it first during puberty. At this stage the body starts to produce hormones called androgens which lead to the enlargement of the sebaceous gland. This enlargement occurs naturally during the development of the body. However, over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands by the androgens leads to the development of acne and sometimes well into adulthood. Acne flare-ups related to the menstrual cycle and sometimes pregnancy are also caused by the androgens.
Extra sebum: Extra sebum is produced when the androgens stimulate the sebaceous gland. As it goes up the follicle on its way to the surface, the sebum combines with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. Although this process is normal, there is an increased chance of clogging because of the extra sebum in the follicle thus leading to the formation of acne.
Follicle fallout: In general, the dead cells within the follicle gradually shed and are forced out onto the surface of the skin. However, patients with overactive sebaceous glands, which happen usually during puberty, shed dead cells more rapidly. As this combines with extra sebum, the dead skin cells results in the formation of a plug in the follicle and prevents finishing of the natural process of renewal of the skin.
Bacteria: Bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, acne for short, are a regular occupant of all skin types. Bacteria are a part of the natural sebum maintenance system of the skin. On the other hand, when a follicle is clogged, the P. acnes bacteria quickly multiply and thus create a chemical reaction which is inflammation of the follicle and the surrounding skin.
Inflammation: As unwanted bacteria come across your body, an inflammatory response occurs. This inflammatory response is also known as chemotaxis. This is where the white blood cells protect the body by attacking these bacteria. It is also what causes pimples to become red, swollen, and painful. The inflammatory response varies from patient to patient; however, studies show that it is particularly strong in adult women.
Currently, I use toner, and tretinoin to treat it. Regular cleaning, a good sleep, less stress, and regular facial prevents it from coming.
I found some information that might help for those like me who need some advice.
Acne Treatment
The Condition
Treatments Available
The Condition
All forms of acne start with one basic lesion known as the comedo. A comedo is an enlarged hair follicle that is clogged with oil and bacteria. The comedo, which is invisible to the naked eye, is just waiting underneath the surface of your skin until certain conditions lead to its growth into an inflamed lesion. Bacteria thrive inside the swollen follicle as the skin continues to produce more oil. Inflammation of the surrounding skin increases while your white blood cells fight against the bacteria.
The different types of acne are:
1. Non-inflammatory Acne
Closed comedo or whitehead: The lesion is called a closed comedo or a whitehead when the clogged follicle remains underneath the surface of the skin. These lesions in the skin usually come into sight as small whitish bumps.
Open comedo or blackhead: An open comedo or a blackhead is a lesion wherein the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin. It has always been thought that the dark appearance of the plug is due to dirt. Actually, this is due to the buildup of melanin, which is the dark pigment of the skin that causes the plug’s dark appearance.
2. Inflammatory Acne
Papule: The papule is the mildest form of inflammatory acne. This manifests as a small, firm pink bump on the skin. This lesion is usually tender when touched and most of the time thought of as an intermediary step between non-inflammatory and clearly inflammatory lesions.
Pustule: A pustule is a small round lesion similar to the papule. On the other hand, a pustule, unlike a papule, is clearly inflamed and has visible pus. It usually appears red at the base and has a yellowish or whitish center. This lesion usually does not have a lot of bacteria. The chemical irritation from the sebum components such as fatty free acids is what commonly causes the inflammation.
Nodule or cyst: This is an inflamed lesion that contains a lot of pus and is stuck deep within the skin. They are usually large and painful. When the contents of a comedo have leaked out into the surrounding skin, nodules start to develop. As the local immune system responds, it leads to the production of pus. Nodules are considered to be the most severe form of acne lesion and they may last for weeks or months. The contents of a lesion harden into a deep cyst. Most of the time, the nodules and cysts leave behind deep scars.
Acne conglobata: This lesion is a rare but serious form of inflammatory acne. They develop most of the time on the back, buttocks, and chest. Together with the presence of pustules and nodules, severe bacterial infection may also be present.
Acne can be caused by a combination of factors at work deep down the surface of your skin. There are five primary factors which contribute to the production of acne. Each of these factors differs between individuals.
Causes of Acne:
Hormones: Majority of those suffering from acne usually reports seeing it first during puberty. At this stage the body starts to produce hormones called androgens which lead to the enlargement of the sebaceous gland. This enlargement occurs naturally during the development of the body. However, over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands by the androgens leads to the development of acne and sometimes well into adulthood. Acne flare-ups related to the menstrual cycle and sometimes pregnancy are also caused by the androgens.
Extra sebum: Extra sebum is produced when the androgens stimulate the sebaceous gland. As it goes up the follicle on its way to the surface, the sebum combines with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. Although this process is normal, there is an increased chance of clogging because of the extra sebum in the follicle thus leading to the formation of acne.
Follicle fallout: In general, the dead cells within the follicle gradually shed and are forced out onto the surface of the skin. However, patients with overactive sebaceous glands, which happen usually during puberty, shed dead cells more rapidly. As this combines with extra sebum, the dead skin cells results in the formation of a plug in the follicle and prevents finishing of the natural process of renewal of the skin.
Bacteria: Bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, acne for short, are a regular occupant of all skin types. Bacteria are a part of the natural sebum maintenance system of the skin. On the other hand, when a follicle is clogged, the P. acnes bacteria quickly multiply and thus create a chemical reaction which is inflammation of the follicle and the surrounding skin.
Inflammation: As unwanted bacteria come across your body, an inflammatory response occurs. This inflammatory response is also known as chemotaxis. This is where the white blood cells protect the body by attacking these bacteria. It is also what causes pimples to become red, swollen, and painful. The inflammatory response varies from patient to patient; however, studies show that it is particularly strong in adult women.
I do not want to be Alone
I am alone in my room
Thinking of what things I should do
Thinking what else should I do with my life
Suddenly I feel so down
For I am alone in my life
I am planning to have a good life
I plan to reach the stars
But suddenly all things fades
For I am alone in my life
What value this life I have?
If I am alone in my life
What value the success I have?
If I am alone in my life
I realize that I need someone to share
To share my life and my success
Who will be right beside me
Who will never leave me till the end
I pray that the person will come
For I do not want to be alone
To be alone in this room
But to be with someone who will never let me go
Thinking of what things I should do
Thinking what else should I do with my life
Suddenly I feel so down
For I am alone in my life
I am planning to have a good life
I plan to reach the stars
But suddenly all things fades
For I am alone in my life
What value this life I have?
If I am alone in my life
What value the success I have?
If I am alone in my life
I realize that I need someone to share
To share my life and my success
Who will be right beside me
Who will never leave me till the end
I pray that the person will come
For I do not want to be alone
To be alone in this room
But to be with someone who will never let me go
Basics of Badminton
Lately I am trying to learn playing badminton. I stop swimming for its cold since December up until now and I don't want to get sick.
I want to say a thank you to my Manager- Sir Edwin for giving his time to teach me some basics and tips on playing badminton.
Below are some of the Basics information about badminton I found online.
Badminton has evolved over generations to become the challenging, complex sport it is today. If you're interested in learning more about badminton, you've come to the right place. Here is some basic information to get you started.
Badminton Rules
The object of badminton is to keep a volley going without letting the badminton shuttlecock hit the ground, fall out of bounds, or be hit more than once by the same player or side. Only the serving side can score points.
The Badminton Court
A standard singles court in badminton measures 44 feet long by 17 feet wide. A doubles court should be 44 feet long and 20 feet wide, allowing a little extra space for two players to stand side by side. Regulation badminton nets are strung 5 feet from the ground. All boundary lines are considered "in," and shots that land on the lines are counted.
The Serve
Badminton rules dictate that serves are delivered diagonally to the opposite service court. If the serving side wins a volley, it scores a point and serves again from the alternate service court. If the receiving side wins the volley, the score stays the same and the serve is passed to the next player in turn (this is either the opponent in singles, or the partner in a doubles match).
A serve must land in the diagonal opposite court to be good. A serve that touches the badminton net and lands in the proper court is called a let and can be served again. Serves that are totally missed can also be redone. In singles, the serve is taken from the right-hand court when the score is even and from the left-hand court when the score is odd.
Standard badminton games are played to 15 points. If the score reaches 14-all, the side that reached 14 first may choose to play to 15 or set the game to 17 points. Women's singles are traditionally played to 11 points and may be set to 13 points when tied at 10-all.
A "fault" in badminton results in a loss of service or a loss of the point. Faults include illegal serves, shots that land out of bounds, stepping out of bounds, or touching the net.
General Do's and Don'ts
Players cannot touch the net with the badminton racquet or any part of their body during play.
Players must not reach over the badminton net in order to hit the badminton birdie.
Both sides must stand in their respective courts until the serve is made and the birdie is in action.
The Yonex badminton racket should make contact with the birdie below the waist while serving.
The badminton birdie should not rest on the badminton racket or be carried on the badminton racket at any time while serving or returning a shot.
Badminton is quickly growing in popularity, and people all over the world are discovering the fun challenge of this unique sport.
I want to say a thank you to my Manager- Sir Edwin for giving his time to teach me some basics and tips on playing badminton.
Below are some of the Basics information about badminton I found online.
Badminton has evolved over generations to become the challenging, complex sport it is today. If you're interested in learning more about badminton, you've come to the right place. Here is some basic information to get you started.
Badminton Rules
The object of badminton is to keep a volley going without letting the badminton shuttlecock hit the ground, fall out of bounds, or be hit more than once by the same player or side. Only the serving side can score points.
The Badminton Court
A standard singles court in badminton measures 44 feet long by 17 feet wide. A doubles court should be 44 feet long and 20 feet wide, allowing a little extra space for two players to stand side by side. Regulation badminton nets are strung 5 feet from the ground. All boundary lines are considered "in," and shots that land on the lines are counted.
The Serve
Badminton rules dictate that serves are delivered diagonally to the opposite service court. If the serving side wins a volley, it scores a point and serves again from the alternate service court. If the receiving side wins the volley, the score stays the same and the serve is passed to the next player in turn (this is either the opponent in singles, or the partner in a doubles match).
A serve must land in the diagonal opposite court to be good. A serve that touches the badminton net and lands in the proper court is called a let and can be served again. Serves that are totally missed can also be redone. In singles, the serve is taken from the right-hand court when the score is even and from the left-hand court when the score is odd.
Standard badminton games are played to 15 points. If the score reaches 14-all, the side that reached 14 first may choose to play to 15 or set the game to 17 points. Women's singles are traditionally played to 11 points and may be set to 13 points when tied at 10-all.
A "fault" in badminton results in a loss of service or a loss of the point. Faults include illegal serves, shots that land out of bounds, stepping out of bounds, or touching the net.
General Do's and Don'ts
Players cannot touch the net with the badminton racquet or any part of their body during play.
Players must not reach over the badminton net in order to hit the badminton birdie.
Both sides must stand in their respective courts until the serve is made and the birdie is in action.
The Yonex badminton racket should make contact with the birdie below the waist while serving.
The badminton birdie should not rest on the badminton racket or be carried on the badminton racket at any time while serving or returning a shot.
Badminton is quickly growing in popularity, and people all over the world are discovering the fun challenge of this unique sport.
Naglalambing kay nanay at tatay
One day, while watching television parents were ask about there favorite son or daughter. Normally they will answer that they do not have favorites and would say something like they love all there children because everyone is unique in some ways. But when they ask to name then of course you will then realize why they pick this son or daughter?
From the show, they answered "kasi malambing cya sa akin." From this point in time I tried to see myself if I was malambing and close to parents? Am I able to talk to them seriously? My bonding moments with my parents? Are there such events or occassions I am malambing with them? My parents are not young anymore, they are in their early 50's. So I then realize that I should start making lambing and to be more closer to them. I never know when they will leave me. weeeeeeeeee. I don't want to sound serious and ma-drama but surely I love my parents. I may seldom tell I love them but I believe they would feel how much I love and care for them.
I could say that I am more closer to my mom. However I also trying my best to be closer to my dad, but most of the time you will see me with my mom.
Little things like, hugging my mom when I get up in the morning, pinching her belly and her nose. These are some acts I am doing with my mom. I know that she likes it too for I make lambing to her. My mom loves going out especially when we go to the market, grocery and eat out. These are some bonding moments I have with my mom. To my dad, I am not really that close for this is a man thing. Maybe at home, I talk to him but we are not really talking seriously- he is not that kind of person. He is a person who takes life easy. We bonded most of the time whenever I serve them for food because when I have time and during my rest day I cook for them.
I read from the scripture and heard this from our pastor that if you want a blessed life, be a good son, follow your parents, honor your parents so that they will pour their blessings to your life. And so far, blessings are coming because of my good relationship with my parents.
Hope this things will inspire those people who forget, or regret there parents. Hope you could find your way back home. For there is no place like home and having a good family.
From the show, they answered "kasi malambing cya sa akin." From this point in time I tried to see myself if I was malambing and close to parents? Am I able to talk to them seriously? My bonding moments with my parents? Are there such events or occassions I am malambing with them? My parents are not young anymore, they are in their early 50's. So I then realize that I should start making lambing and to be more closer to them. I never know when they will leave me. weeeeeeeeee. I don't want to sound serious and ma-drama but surely I love my parents. I may seldom tell I love them but I believe they would feel how much I love and care for them.
I could say that I am more closer to my mom. However I also trying my best to be closer to my dad, but most of the time you will see me with my mom.
Little things like, hugging my mom when I get up in the morning, pinching her belly and her nose. These are some acts I am doing with my mom. I know that she likes it too for I make lambing to her. My mom loves going out especially when we go to the market, grocery and eat out. These are some bonding moments I have with my mom. To my dad, I am not really that close for this is a man thing. Maybe at home, I talk to him but we are not really talking seriously- he is not that kind of person. He is a person who takes life easy. We bonded most of the time whenever I serve them for food because when I have time and during my rest day I cook for them.
I read from the scripture and heard this from our pastor that if you want a blessed life, be a good son, follow your parents, honor your parents so that they will pour their blessings to your life. And so far, blessings are coming because of my good relationship with my parents.
Hope this things will inspire those people who forget, or regret there parents. Hope you could find your way back home. For there is no place like home and having a good family.
Its year 2009 already. I decided to change my lifestyle. Last year I am so dedicated with my work. But this year I want to pamper myself. I will go to places and will try to meet old and new friends. I want to multiply my value and to give more time to myself and to others while having fun. =-)
There will be a change in my work schedule and team. A few weeks now I need to adjust with my new team. Since second week of January I am not stying in condo. Lately I am playing and practicing playing badminton with my officemates. Sometimes I have to stay late to play. The first two practice is very challenging for my whole body ache that I was even having hard time to walk the next day.
I have a new cube and I am away frommy teammates. I try to make my station more organize cause my station is viewable for people.
I am looking forward for a more exciting, more blessed, more happy and memorable experience for this year.
Change is inevitable, there is always a change in everything in life. I just hope that I could embrase change and able to adjust myself to it.
I will not take life seriously. I will laugh at the world this time.
There will be a change in my work schedule and team. A few weeks now I need to adjust with my new team. Since second week of January I am not stying in condo. Lately I am playing and practicing playing badminton with my officemates. Sometimes I have to stay late to play. The first two practice is very challenging for my whole body ache that I was even having hard time to walk the next day.
I have a new cube and I am away frommy teammates. I try to make my station more organize cause my station is viewable for people.
I am looking forward for a more exciting, more blessed, more happy and memorable experience for this year.
Change is inevitable, there is always a change in everything in life. I just hope that I could embrase change and able to adjust myself to it.
I will not take life seriously. I will laugh at the world this time.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
It all came so easy, all the loving you gave me
The feelings we shared, and I still can remember
How your touch was so tender, it told me you cared
We had a once in a lifetime
But I just couldn't see, until it was gone
A second once in a lifetime, may be too much to ask
But I swear from now on
If ever you're in my arms again
This time I'll love you much better
If ever you're in my arms again
This time I'll hold you forever
This time will never end
Now I'm seeing clearly
How I still need you near me
I still love you so
There's something between us
That won't ever leave us
There's no letting go
We had a once in a lifetime
But I just didn't know it
Till my life fell apart
A second once in a lifetime
Isn't too much to ask
'Cause I swear from the heart
The best of romances,
deserve second chances
I'll get to you somehow
'Cause I promise now
The feelings we shared, and I still can remember
How your touch was so tender, it told me you cared
We had a once in a lifetime
But I just couldn't see, until it was gone
A second once in a lifetime, may be too much to ask
But I swear from now on
If ever you're in my arms again
This time I'll love you much better
If ever you're in my arms again
This time I'll hold you forever
This time will never end
Now I'm seeing clearly
How I still need you near me
I still love you so
There's something between us
That won't ever leave us
There's no letting go
We had a once in a lifetime
But I just didn't know it
Till my life fell apart
A second once in a lifetime
Isn't too much to ask
'Cause I swear from the heart
The best of romances,
deserve second chances
I'll get to you somehow
'Cause I promise now
Tears are falling...
Just want to share a little secret of mine. Tears suddenly flow to my eyes while and after reading the story of Kyle. Tears falling strong while listening to the song "When You Believe" version by David Archuleta. Suddenly I miss my friends especially my friend who sent me this email that contains the story of Kyle. This friend of mine always uplift me and always remind me to be good and to do good. He is a very nice guy.
The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to go through life and leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you have loved them.
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd." I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this
terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives."
He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!". There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He said yes. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. And my friends thought the same of him.
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, "Dang boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and handed me half the books. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak.
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him! Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!"
He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable. "
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize it's depth. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life.
For better or for worse. God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others.
The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to go through life and leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you have loved them.
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd." I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this
terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives."
He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!". There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He said yes. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. And my friends thought the same of him.
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, "Dang boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and handed me half the books. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak.
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him! Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!"
He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable. "
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize it's depth. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life.
For better or for worse. God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others.
Friday, January 02, 2009
I was wondering and searching some advise online and found this post. Hope you can relate as well.
* SINGLE: Minsan ayos lang maging SINGLE kase free na free ka gawin kung ano ang gusto mo o kaya makakapunta ka kung saan mo gusto pumunta pero kung minsan,. lalo na't malamig ang hangin o kya maganda ung view, magwiwish ka na sana may yumayakap sa'yo, hahalikan ka sa noo at tititignan ka ng parang ikaw na ata ang pinakamagandang babae sa buong mundo.
*kaya heto, susubukan ko bilangin ang mga dahilan kung bakit single pa tayo. Gaano katagal na ba tayo walang nagiging boyfriend/girlfriend? tingnan natin..
1) MASYADONG INDEPENDENT - baka naman masyado mo napoproject na kaya mong mabuhay ng wala silang lahat, ayan tuloy parang hindi nila maramdaman na kailangan mo rin sila kaya dun na lang sila sa taong tingin nila ay magkakaron sila ng silbi.
2) MATAAS ANG STANDARDS - siguro hindi na natanggal sa isip mo ung pangarap mo nung bata ka pa. aba, kelangan mo na gumising sa katotohanan na walang ideal guy. ok cge, kung makita mo nga ung hinahanap mo na gwapong matalino na mayaman na mabait pero nung nakasama mo naman eh nakita mo hindi pala siya madalas maligo, mahiyain mag-toothbrush kaya naman sobrang bad breath niya sa umaga, puro barya ang mga hita at binti o kaya naman daig pa ang tambucho sa lakas manigarilyo, may nakausli na "pang labing-isang" daliri sa kamay at NAKAPANGINGILABOT NA BALAT dahil madami siyang AN-AN SA kanyang LIKOD NA PARA BANG MAPA NG CEBU... oh eh di turn-off ka na? kung lahat ng tao ay katulad mo na mataas ang standards, malamang wala ng magboboyfriend at maggirlfriend ngaun puro friends na lang.
3) UBOD KA NG KASUNGITAN - maski naman kahit sino hindi masarap lapitan at kausapin ang taong mukhang nangangain ng tao tapos liligawan pa? dapat kc kahit konti maging approachable ka naman para kahit na hindi ka kagandahan, madidiskubre niya na masarap ka palang kausap at masaya kang kasama. (^^,)
4) MASAMA ANG UGALI - kung papipiliin ako kung sa masungit o sa masama ang ugali... dun na ko sa masungit! ang masungit kc, hindi likas na itim ang budhi nyan, may taglay na istorya sa likod ng simangot niya. sabihan mo lang yan ng 'peek-a-boo' BAKA ngitian ka na. ibang istorya na kase ang masama ang ugali dahil mula pa yang ugali na yan sa kaibuturan ng kanyang mga balunbalunan. sa una mabait, pero madidiskubre mo na parang trapo ang tao kung tratuhin nito. tsk tsk tsk. pero hindi pa naman huli ang lahat kung kaya mo pa magbago, bigyan mo ng pagkakataon ang sarili mo magbago. magdasal ka kay lord ng mataimtim huh?? *hahahaha*
5) NAGKUKULONG SA BAHAY - walang makaka-appreciate sa panloob o panlabas na beauty mo kung nagkukulong ka lang sa bahay. ok nanjan nga ang nanay mo para sabihin na maganda ka pero im sure umay na umay na rin yan sa pagmumukha mo kaya mas maigi kung lumabas ka.. pagkagaling sa office, pwede ka magmall o kya gumimik kasama mga officemates mo, o kaya naman sumali sa mga organization sa simbahan or sa neighborhood.
6) MUKHA KANG LOSYANG - ito ang kadalasang krimen ng mga single. Hindi ka nagbibigay ng panahon para ayusin ang sarili physically. at bakit pa nga ba e wala ka naman dahilan para mag-ayos, diba? MALI !!! Dapat nga lalo ka mag-ayos para makita ang marketability mo. hindi krimen ang maging vain kahit konti. did u know na ang ratio ng lalaki sa babae ay 4:1? kaya lola, magsimula ka na mag-ayos at baka yung crush mo ay maagaw pa ng mga intrimitida sa paligid mo.
7) MASYADONG MAGALING - medyo sensitive itong topic na ito dahil nasasagasaan na ang male ego dito eh. oo, may ibang lalake na nabuburaot dahil mas magaling at mas marunong ang babae sa kanila. hindi na natin ito problema dahil malamang insecurity nila ang bumubulong sa kanila pero minsan kase hindi na makatarungan na laging nai-inferior ang lalake. kailangan maramdaman din nila sa iyo na hindi mo sila ia-under the saya if maging girlfriend ka nila. hindi ko rin sinasabi na i-compromise mo ang talents mo, ano bang magagawa ko kung likas na talentadong bata ka pero ang tamang gawin ay wag naman ipagdukdukan na sobrang galing mong tao. wag na wag mong kalimutan na may 2 klaseng yabang dito sa mundo. wag kang mang-intimidate kung ayaw mong ma-intimidate.
8) SOBRANG BUSY - alam mo ba ung kantang 'Narda'? ganyan ang mangyayari sa iyo, hanggang kanta na lang ang aabutin ng nagkakagusto sayo dahil maski pagpa-pluck ng kilay mo wala kang time.
9) DALA ANG BIGAT NG KAHAPON - may kasabihan nga, "how can u look forward when u keep looking back?" walang mangyayari sa love life mo kung dala mo pa ang kabiguan na dinulot ng nakaraan mo. walang sense ang magpakabitter dahil in the end, lalo ka lang papanget. panget na nga, bitter pa! tsaka wag kang matakot masaktan kung gusto mo magmahal muli. laging kaakibat ng love ang pain dahil hindi ka masasaktan kung hindi ka nagmahal. at isa pa, wag ka ring matakot na kunin ang pagkakataon kung nandiyan na sa harap mo. pano mo malalaman na masarap ang chocolate kung hindi mo titikman? (^^,)
10) MASYADONG-MASYADO!! - masyadong maganda, masyadong matalino, masyadong talented at masyadong mayaman. minsan ito ang mga nagiging factor kung bakit walang gustong manligaw sayo. pero hindi mo naman ito kasalanan diba? katulad din ito ng scenario sa #7. siguro mas maigi kung HUMBLE KA LANG wag mayabang, at imbis na maging hambog, share na lang the blessing. hindi ka lang maganda / matalino / talented / mayaman / mabait pa!! im sure lahat mahuhumaling sayo.
11) IMBORNAL ANG BUNGANGA MO: naku kalimitang problema ito ng mga TAKLESANG TAO at ng mga masyado nang confident sa sarili nila. Maganda ka nga, mayaman, mabait naman, sweet naman, maganda naman pumorma, Pero pag nagsalita daig pa ung barker ng mga pedicab sa CUBAO eh! Ang lakas mong magmura!! Pinaglihi ka ba sa Nagmumurang Kamatis? Mga words mo pa ang lulupit e... memorize mo na lahat ng mga bastos na salitang Pilipino at mga murang pinoy. Shempre palengkera dating mo nyan dba? Naku lalo pa kung mapanira ka, lalong wag! Matatakot lahat makipag-friends sayo, kahit babae!! Hahaha! Bawas mura kapatid! Instead of saying: Bwaka ng Ina, P*tang ina, P*king Ina!! Say: flowers, candies, rainbows, sheeps, clouds, butterflies and. . .
PUT A LITTLE MORE!! O dba? bumabango na "bibig" nya, yeah! di na "bunganga".
12) TOO MANY BOYS: Minsan nai-intimidate din ang mga guys pag masyado maraming boys ang nakabakod sa girl. Wala ka ngang boyfriend, pero lagi mo naman prino-project na ang daming lumalandi sayo (na pawang mga superficial lang naman at mukhang walang potential na magbigay ng TRUE LOVE sayo). Pag ganyan palagi ang aura at drama mo, most likely, uurong yung mga boys na may HONEST INTENTIONS sayo at kaya kang mahalin ng todo, kasi natatakot sila na baka ikaw ang di kayang magmahal ng totoo. Alam kasi ng mga boys yan... na kahit kayo na (nakapili ka na ng BF mo), di pa din mawawala ang mga "boys" na nakapaligid sayo...
13) ONE OF THE BOYS: Ayan, isa pang problema ng mga gurls... kadalasan, dahil sa sobra namang close sa mga boys, nagmumukha na silang one of the boys, na kung saan sayo shi-ni-share ng mga boys ang kilig at iyak moments nila with other gurls. Ouch! Masakit yun, lalo na pag type mo yung friend mo na guy. Ingat-ingat mahirap kasi pag masyado kang close sa mga boys kasi dumadating ang point na ang tingin nila sayo... MAS MASARAP KANG KAIBIGAN... aray!!! isa pa, parang lalaki na din ang tingin nila sayo... mapapansin mo yan, kapag nag-skirt or nag-spaghetti strap ka, tapos inaasar ka na ng mga friend mo na boys for being "gurl na gurl". kasi ang boys, pag nakakita ng gurl in a sexy dress (tumatahimik yan, at may parang kumukulo sa loob nila)... so pag tinawanan ka, naku, sign na un...
14) STRICT ANG PARENTS: uhmmm... may two words kami dyan: GOOD LUCK!
at eto ang pinakamatindi sa lahat:
15) WALA SA GUHIT NG PALAD MO ANG MAGKA-BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND!! - shiyet ang saklap naman nito kung ganun nga!! hindi porke hindi ka na magkakaroon ng kasintahan ay loser ka na. malamang may nakalaan na plano sayo si GOD kaya gusto niya na wala kang BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND siguro kaya wala kang kasintahan dahil kailangan ang full attention mo sa pagtulong sa pagtaguyod ng pamilya mo, baka yayaman ka at magiging tagapagmana mo mga pamangkin mo, (EH BAKIT PAMANGKIN PA???! HAHAHA!!) baka kailangan ang full time and support mo sa organization mo.. maraming dahilan eh pero nakakasiguro naman ako na walang bagay na nangyayari sayo na hindi kagustuhan ng nasa itaas. laging may greater purpose kung bakit nangyayari ang nangyayari. kaya kung halimbawang may darating, wag na pakyeme. kung hindi mo type ang lalapit sayo, let it go gracefully dahil mahirap na at baka balikan ka ng karma. kung nandyan na, gawin na lang ang best para mag-stay siya sa buhay mo at
nang hindi ka na nagtataka pa kung bakit SINGLE ka. see what i'm sayin??
hmmmmm.... mukhang BITIN ka pa eh!! DAGDAGAN NATIN?? (^^,) hehe cge...
Destiny Addict
Ito yung mga taong hinihintay na gumawa ang tadhana ng paraan para pagtagpuin sila ng kanilang mga "soulmates" or whatever. Ayaw kumilos o kung ano pa dahil naniniwala siya na kung sino man 'yung talagang para sa kanya ay darating na lang bigla sa paraang maaaring hindi niya inaasahan-- wow!! parang Serendipity.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Darating din yan. 'Wag kasing hanapin."
Simula nung magkamalay ang taong ito, nakalista na ang mga bagay na gusto niya sa kanyang magiging boypren/girlpren. Kapag may nakilala siya at nakitang madumi ang kuko, magkadikit ang kilay, may butas sa ngipin, o parang penguin maglakad, wala na. Turn off na 'yun para sa kanya.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing:
"Ok na siya e. Kaya lang gusto ko 'yung ganito..."
Busy Bee
Pasensya na sila pero masyado kang maraming inaasikaso tulad ng libro, bolpen, papel at calculator. Umaalis ka ng 6 am sa bahay at umuuwi ng 7 ng gabi 'pag weekdays. Pagdating mo sa bahay, gagawa lang ng homework at matutulog na. Masaya ka nang makanood ng TV 'pag Sabado (at gumawa ulit ng homework). Sapat na sa'yo ang kumain sa labas kasama ang pamilya 'pag Linggo (at gumawa pa rin ng homework).
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Sorry, wala akong time sa ganyan e,"
Friend Forever Version 1
Kunwari ka pa dyan. Alam mo namang gusto mo talaga 'yang best friend o special friend mo pero hindi mo lang sinasabi at pinapadama dahil ayaw mong masira ang pagkakaibigan niyong dalawa. 'Yung tipong 'pag may kasamang iba 'yung gusto mo, kunwari ka pang masaya ka para sa kanya pero sa totoo lang, gusto mo na malusaw na parang ice caps dahil sa Global Warming.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm so happy for you" o "Sayang naman 'yung pinagsamahan namin e."
Friend Forever Version 2
Wala tayong magagawa pero talagang malapit ka lang sa kabilang kasarian--pero bilang kaibigan lang. One-of-the-boys or ladies' man. Hindi ka naman homo o bi pero sadyang kaibigan lang ang tingin mo sa mga taong hindi mo kapareho ng chromosomes. Masaya ka nang nakaka-hang-out lang sila, nakakakwentuhan, niyayakap nang walang halong malisya.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "May inuman ba mamaya?" kung babae o "Hatid ko ba kayo mamaya?" kung lalaki
Born to be One
Single-blessed ka at wala ka nang magagawa kung ganun. :) Nilikha ka siguro para maging mag-isa (pero syempre may pamilya at kaibigan ka naman, duh!) hanggang tumanda ka na at ipadala sa Home for the Aged. Marami akong kakilalang mukhang ganito ang patutunguhan at hindi naman sila mga pangit o abnoy talaga. Minsan lang, masyado silang masungit.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Mag-isa ako."
'Eto 'yung taong masaya na sa trip-trip lang at kung anu-anong mga happenings. Kahit sino na lang basta no strings attached. For fun lang at walang seryosohan please. Personally, ayoko nung mga ganito. Umaapaw lang siguro 'yung mga taong ganito sa "L." Magbuhos ka nalang ng malamig na tubig sa iyong buong katawan at solb na 'yan.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm not ready to commit e, but I really like you."
Wrong Time
'Eto naman 'yung mga laging idinadahilan na masyado pa silang bata o kaya masyado na silang matanda. May mga tao raw na ganyan, 'yung pakiramdam nila laging may tamang panahon para sa pag-ibig. Pero ang labo lang kasi tuwing may pagkakataon naman, lagi nilang naiisip na maling panahon pa iyon. Oo, wrong timing lagi ang pag-ibig para sa kanila kasi madalas sumasakto kung kelan meron silang board exams, problema sa pamilya, o long test kinabukasan. :)
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "We had the right love at the wrong time..."
Parent Trap
Ayaw ni mama o ni papa na magkaboypren/girlpren ang kanilang unica hija/unico hijo kahit na 22 years old na ito at kumikita na ng sarili niyang pera. Kailangan daw magkaron ka muna ng isang strand ng puting buhok bago may makadalaw sa'yo sa bahay. O kaya, baka ikaw 'yung may problema dahil natatakot ka sa iisipin ng mga magulang mo tungkol sa taong iyong gusto. Baka kasi sabihin nila na masyado siyang bansot/matangkad/baboy/payatot para sa'yo.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Baka magalit si Papa"
Dahil sa dami ng mga heartbreak na iyong nadama at emo songs na napakinggan mo na noon, sinumpa mo nang hindi ka magmamahal. Ayaw mo na. Sawa ka na sa paglalaslas ng pulso, este, sa paglalagay ng mga madramang stat message sa YM at pag-iyak ng balde-baldeng luha. Awwwww... pwede rin namang masyado kang insecure sa sarili mo kaya hindi ka makapagmatapang na magventure into some love quest.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Pagod na pagod na akong masaktan!" *hikbi*
Your Ex-Lover is (NOT) Dead
Yikes!! Mahal pa rin niya ang kanyang EX at hindi siya maka-get-over sa person. wtf??! Pilit pa rin inaalala ang mga tawanan, iyakan, at PDA moments nilang dalawa kahit 'yung EX niya ay nakikipag-mabutihan na sa ibang babae/lalaki. Sasabihin mong nakapag-move on ka na pero pag nagkwentuhan tungkol sa pag-ibig, tandadadaaaaan! Siya na naman naiisip mo.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm over him/her..." "tapos iiyak bigla :))"
Dalawa na namang kaso ito. Una, ayaw mo lang talaga magka-"someone". Hindi ko na pipilitin ungkatin 'yung dahilan pero may mga pagkakataon lang talaga na ayaw mo. Ikalawa naman, baka...ayaw kasi sa'yo nung gusto mo N' that's the ****tiest thing ever! Pwedeng ayaw niya sa'yo dahil may girlpren/boypren siya, busy siya or whatever, o kaya ayaw ka lang niya talaga at wala ka nang magagawa kung ganun. =(
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Ayoko pa magkaboypren/girlpren e." o "Hindi naman niya ko gusto."
* SINGLE: Minsan ayos lang maging SINGLE kase free na free ka gawin kung ano ang gusto mo o kaya makakapunta ka kung saan mo gusto pumunta pero kung minsan,. lalo na't malamig ang hangin o kya maganda ung view, magwiwish ka na sana may yumayakap sa'yo, hahalikan ka sa noo at tititignan ka ng parang ikaw na ata ang pinakamagandang babae sa buong mundo.
*kaya heto, susubukan ko bilangin ang mga dahilan kung bakit single pa tayo. Gaano katagal na ba tayo walang nagiging boyfriend/girlfriend? tingnan natin..
1) MASYADONG INDEPENDENT - baka naman masyado mo napoproject na kaya mong mabuhay ng wala silang lahat, ayan tuloy parang hindi nila maramdaman na kailangan mo rin sila kaya dun na lang sila sa taong tingin nila ay magkakaron sila ng silbi.
2) MATAAS ANG STANDARDS - siguro hindi na natanggal sa isip mo ung pangarap mo nung bata ka pa. aba, kelangan mo na gumising sa katotohanan na walang ideal guy. ok cge, kung makita mo nga ung hinahanap mo na gwapong matalino na mayaman na mabait pero nung nakasama mo naman eh nakita mo hindi pala siya madalas maligo, mahiyain mag-toothbrush kaya naman sobrang bad breath niya sa umaga, puro barya ang mga hita at binti o kaya naman daig pa ang tambucho sa lakas manigarilyo, may nakausli na "pang labing-isang" daliri sa kamay at NAKAPANGINGILABOT NA BALAT dahil madami siyang AN-AN SA kanyang LIKOD NA PARA BANG MAPA NG CEBU... oh eh di turn-off ka na? kung lahat ng tao ay katulad mo na mataas ang standards, malamang wala ng magboboyfriend at maggirlfriend ngaun puro friends na lang.
3) UBOD KA NG KASUNGITAN - maski naman kahit sino hindi masarap lapitan at kausapin ang taong mukhang nangangain ng tao tapos liligawan pa? dapat kc kahit konti maging approachable ka naman para kahit na hindi ka kagandahan, madidiskubre niya na masarap ka palang kausap at masaya kang kasama. (^^,)
4) MASAMA ANG UGALI - kung papipiliin ako kung sa masungit o sa masama ang ugali... dun na ko sa masungit! ang masungit kc, hindi likas na itim ang budhi nyan, may taglay na istorya sa likod ng simangot niya. sabihan mo lang yan ng 'peek-a-boo' BAKA ngitian ka na. ibang istorya na kase ang masama ang ugali dahil mula pa yang ugali na yan sa kaibuturan ng kanyang mga balunbalunan. sa una mabait, pero madidiskubre mo na parang trapo ang tao kung tratuhin nito. tsk tsk tsk. pero hindi pa naman huli ang lahat kung kaya mo pa magbago, bigyan mo ng pagkakataon ang sarili mo magbago. magdasal ka kay lord ng mataimtim huh?? *hahahaha*
5) NAGKUKULONG SA BAHAY - walang makaka-appreciate sa panloob o panlabas na beauty mo kung nagkukulong ka lang sa bahay. ok nanjan nga ang nanay mo para sabihin na maganda ka pero im sure umay na umay na rin yan sa pagmumukha mo kaya mas maigi kung lumabas ka.. pagkagaling sa office, pwede ka magmall o kya gumimik kasama mga officemates mo, o kaya naman sumali sa mga organization sa simbahan or sa neighborhood.
6) MUKHA KANG LOSYANG - ito ang kadalasang krimen ng mga single. Hindi ka nagbibigay ng panahon para ayusin ang sarili physically. at bakit pa nga ba e wala ka naman dahilan para mag-ayos, diba? MALI !!! Dapat nga lalo ka mag-ayos para makita ang marketability mo. hindi krimen ang maging vain kahit konti. did u know na ang ratio ng lalaki sa babae ay 4:1? kaya lola, magsimula ka na mag-ayos at baka yung crush mo ay maagaw pa ng mga intrimitida sa paligid mo.
7) MASYADONG MAGALING - medyo sensitive itong topic na ito dahil nasasagasaan na ang male ego dito eh. oo, may ibang lalake na nabuburaot dahil mas magaling at mas marunong ang babae sa kanila. hindi na natin ito problema dahil malamang insecurity nila ang bumubulong sa kanila pero minsan kase hindi na makatarungan na laging nai-inferior ang lalake. kailangan maramdaman din nila sa iyo na hindi mo sila ia-under the saya if maging girlfriend ka nila. hindi ko rin sinasabi na i-compromise mo ang talents mo, ano bang magagawa ko kung likas na talentadong bata ka pero ang tamang gawin ay wag naman ipagdukdukan na sobrang galing mong tao. wag na wag mong kalimutan na may 2 klaseng yabang dito sa mundo. wag kang mang-intimidate kung ayaw mong ma-intimidate.
8) SOBRANG BUSY - alam mo ba ung kantang 'Narda'? ganyan ang mangyayari sa iyo, hanggang kanta na lang ang aabutin ng nagkakagusto sayo dahil maski pagpa-pluck ng kilay mo wala kang time.
9) DALA ANG BIGAT NG KAHAPON - may kasabihan nga, "how can u look forward when u keep looking back?" walang mangyayari sa love life mo kung dala mo pa ang kabiguan na dinulot ng nakaraan mo. walang sense ang magpakabitter dahil in the end, lalo ka lang papanget. panget na nga, bitter pa! tsaka wag kang matakot masaktan kung gusto mo magmahal muli. laging kaakibat ng love ang pain dahil hindi ka masasaktan kung hindi ka nagmahal. at isa pa, wag ka ring matakot na kunin ang pagkakataon kung nandiyan na sa harap mo. pano mo malalaman na masarap ang chocolate kung hindi mo titikman? (^^,)
10) MASYADONG-MASYADO!! - masyadong maganda, masyadong matalino, masyadong talented at masyadong mayaman. minsan ito ang mga nagiging factor kung bakit walang gustong manligaw sayo. pero hindi mo naman ito kasalanan diba? katulad din ito ng scenario sa #7. siguro mas maigi kung HUMBLE KA LANG wag mayabang, at imbis na maging hambog, share na lang the blessing. hindi ka lang maganda / matalino / talented / mayaman / mabait pa!! im sure lahat mahuhumaling sayo.
11) IMBORNAL ANG BUNGANGA MO: naku kalimitang problema ito ng mga TAKLESANG TAO at ng mga masyado nang confident sa sarili nila. Maganda ka nga, mayaman, mabait naman, sweet naman, maganda naman pumorma, Pero pag nagsalita daig pa ung barker ng mga pedicab sa CUBAO eh! Ang lakas mong magmura!! Pinaglihi ka ba sa Nagmumurang Kamatis? Mga words mo pa ang lulupit e... memorize mo na lahat ng mga bastos na salitang Pilipino at mga murang pinoy. Shempre palengkera dating mo nyan dba? Naku lalo pa kung mapanira ka, lalong wag! Matatakot lahat makipag-friends sayo, kahit babae!! Hahaha! Bawas mura kapatid! Instead of saying: Bwaka ng Ina, P*tang ina, P*king Ina!! Say: flowers, candies, rainbows, sheeps, clouds, butterflies and. . .
PUT A LITTLE MORE!! O dba? bumabango na "bibig" nya, yeah! di na "bunganga".
12) TOO MANY BOYS: Minsan nai-intimidate din ang mga guys pag masyado maraming boys ang nakabakod sa girl. Wala ka ngang boyfriend, pero lagi mo naman prino-project na ang daming lumalandi sayo (na pawang mga superficial lang naman at mukhang walang potential na magbigay ng TRUE LOVE sayo). Pag ganyan palagi ang aura at drama mo, most likely, uurong yung mga boys na may HONEST INTENTIONS sayo at kaya kang mahalin ng todo, kasi natatakot sila na baka ikaw ang di kayang magmahal ng totoo. Alam kasi ng mga boys yan... na kahit kayo na (nakapili ka na ng BF mo), di pa din mawawala ang mga "boys" na nakapaligid sayo...
13) ONE OF THE BOYS: Ayan, isa pang problema ng mga gurls... kadalasan, dahil sa sobra namang close sa mga boys, nagmumukha na silang one of the boys, na kung saan sayo shi-ni-share ng mga boys ang kilig at iyak moments nila with other gurls. Ouch! Masakit yun, lalo na pag type mo yung friend mo na guy. Ingat-ingat mahirap kasi pag masyado kang close sa mga boys kasi dumadating ang point na ang tingin nila sayo... MAS MASARAP KANG KAIBIGAN... aray!!! isa pa, parang lalaki na din ang tingin nila sayo... mapapansin mo yan, kapag nag-skirt or nag-spaghetti strap ka, tapos inaasar ka na ng mga friend mo na boys for being "gurl na gurl". kasi ang boys, pag nakakita ng gurl in a sexy dress (tumatahimik yan, at may parang kumukulo sa loob nila)... so pag tinawanan ka, naku, sign na un...
14) STRICT ANG PARENTS: uhmmm... may two words kami dyan: GOOD LUCK!
at eto ang pinakamatindi sa lahat:
15) WALA SA GUHIT NG PALAD MO ANG MAGKA-BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND!! - shiyet ang saklap naman nito kung ganun nga!! hindi porke hindi ka na magkakaroon ng kasintahan ay loser ka na. malamang may nakalaan na plano sayo si GOD kaya gusto niya na wala kang BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND siguro kaya wala kang kasintahan dahil kailangan ang full attention mo sa pagtulong sa pagtaguyod ng pamilya mo, baka yayaman ka at magiging tagapagmana mo mga pamangkin mo, (EH BAKIT PAMANGKIN PA???! HAHAHA!!) baka kailangan ang full time and support mo sa organization mo.. maraming dahilan eh pero nakakasiguro naman ako na walang bagay na nangyayari sayo na hindi kagustuhan ng nasa itaas. laging may greater purpose kung bakit nangyayari ang nangyayari. kaya kung halimbawang may darating, wag na pakyeme. kung hindi mo type ang lalapit sayo, let it go gracefully dahil mahirap na at baka balikan ka ng karma. kung nandyan na, gawin na lang ang best para mag-stay siya sa buhay mo at
nang hindi ka na nagtataka pa kung bakit SINGLE ka. see what i'm sayin??
hmmmmm.... mukhang BITIN ka pa eh!! DAGDAGAN NATIN?? (^^,) hehe cge...
Destiny Addict
Ito yung mga taong hinihintay na gumawa ang tadhana ng paraan para pagtagpuin sila ng kanilang mga "soulmates" or whatever. Ayaw kumilos o kung ano pa dahil naniniwala siya na kung sino man 'yung talagang para sa kanya ay darating na lang bigla sa paraang maaaring hindi niya inaasahan-- wow!! parang Serendipity.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Darating din yan. 'Wag kasing hanapin."
Simula nung magkamalay ang taong ito, nakalista na ang mga bagay na gusto niya sa kanyang magiging boypren/girlpren. Kapag may nakilala siya at nakitang madumi ang kuko, magkadikit ang kilay, may butas sa ngipin, o parang penguin maglakad, wala na. Turn off na 'yun para sa kanya.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing:
"Ok na siya e. Kaya lang gusto ko 'yung ganito..."
Busy Bee
Pasensya na sila pero masyado kang maraming inaasikaso tulad ng libro, bolpen, papel at calculator. Umaalis ka ng 6 am sa bahay at umuuwi ng 7 ng gabi 'pag weekdays. Pagdating mo sa bahay, gagawa lang ng homework at matutulog na. Masaya ka nang makanood ng TV 'pag Sabado (at gumawa ulit ng homework). Sapat na sa'yo ang kumain sa labas kasama ang pamilya 'pag Linggo (at gumawa pa rin ng homework).
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Sorry, wala akong time sa ganyan e,"
Friend Forever Version 1
Kunwari ka pa dyan. Alam mo namang gusto mo talaga 'yang best friend o special friend mo pero hindi mo lang sinasabi at pinapadama dahil ayaw mong masira ang pagkakaibigan niyong dalawa. 'Yung tipong 'pag may kasamang iba 'yung gusto mo, kunwari ka pang masaya ka para sa kanya pero sa totoo lang, gusto mo na malusaw na parang ice caps dahil sa Global Warming.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm so happy for you" o "Sayang naman 'yung pinagsamahan namin e."
Friend Forever Version 2
Wala tayong magagawa pero talagang malapit ka lang sa kabilang kasarian--pero bilang kaibigan lang. One-of-the-boys or ladies' man. Hindi ka naman homo o bi pero sadyang kaibigan lang ang tingin mo sa mga taong hindi mo kapareho ng chromosomes. Masaya ka nang nakaka-hang-out lang sila, nakakakwentuhan, niyayakap nang walang halong malisya.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "May inuman ba mamaya?" kung babae o "Hatid ko ba kayo mamaya?" kung lalaki
Born to be One
Single-blessed ka at wala ka nang magagawa kung ganun. :) Nilikha ka siguro para maging mag-isa (pero syempre may pamilya at kaibigan ka naman, duh!) hanggang tumanda ka na at ipadala sa Home for the Aged. Marami akong kakilalang mukhang ganito ang patutunguhan at hindi naman sila mga pangit o abnoy talaga. Minsan lang, masyado silang masungit.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Mag-isa ako."
'Eto 'yung taong masaya na sa trip-trip lang at kung anu-anong mga happenings. Kahit sino na lang basta no strings attached. For fun lang at walang seryosohan please. Personally, ayoko nung mga ganito. Umaapaw lang siguro 'yung mga taong ganito sa "L." Magbuhos ka nalang ng malamig na tubig sa iyong buong katawan at solb na 'yan.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm not ready to commit e, but I really like you."
Wrong Time
'Eto naman 'yung mga laging idinadahilan na masyado pa silang bata o kaya masyado na silang matanda. May mga tao raw na ganyan, 'yung pakiramdam nila laging may tamang panahon para sa pag-ibig. Pero ang labo lang kasi tuwing may pagkakataon naman, lagi nilang naiisip na maling panahon pa iyon. Oo, wrong timing lagi ang pag-ibig para sa kanila kasi madalas sumasakto kung kelan meron silang board exams, problema sa pamilya, o long test kinabukasan. :)
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "We had the right love at the wrong time..."
Parent Trap
Ayaw ni mama o ni papa na magkaboypren/girlpren ang kanilang unica hija/unico hijo kahit na 22 years old na ito at kumikita na ng sarili niyang pera. Kailangan daw magkaron ka muna ng isang strand ng puting buhok bago may makadalaw sa'yo sa bahay. O kaya, baka ikaw 'yung may problema dahil natatakot ka sa iisipin ng mga magulang mo tungkol sa taong iyong gusto. Baka kasi sabihin nila na masyado siyang bansot/matangkad/baboy/payatot para sa'yo.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Baka magalit si Papa"
Dahil sa dami ng mga heartbreak na iyong nadama at emo songs na napakinggan mo na noon, sinumpa mo nang hindi ka magmamahal. Ayaw mo na. Sawa ka na sa paglalaslas ng pulso, este, sa paglalagay ng mga madramang stat message sa YM at pag-iyak ng balde-baldeng luha. Awwwww... pwede rin namang masyado kang insecure sa sarili mo kaya hindi ka makapagmatapang na magventure into some love quest.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Pagod na pagod na akong masaktan!" *hikbi*
Your Ex-Lover is (NOT) Dead
Yikes!! Mahal pa rin niya ang kanyang EX at hindi siya maka-get-over sa person. wtf??! Pilit pa rin inaalala ang mga tawanan, iyakan, at PDA moments nilang dalawa kahit 'yung EX niya ay nakikipag-mabutihan na sa ibang babae/lalaki. Sasabihin mong nakapag-move on ka na pero pag nagkwentuhan tungkol sa pag-ibig, tandadadaaaaan! Siya na naman naiisip mo.
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "I'm over him/her..." "tapos iiyak bigla :))"
Dalawa na namang kaso ito. Una, ayaw mo lang talaga magka-"someone". Hindi ko na pipilitin ungkatin 'yung dahilan pero may mga pagkakataon lang talaga na ayaw mo. Ikalawa naman, baka...ayaw kasi sa'yo nung gusto mo N' that's the ****tiest thing ever! Pwedeng ayaw niya sa'yo dahil may girlpren/boypren siya, busy siya or whatever, o kaya ayaw ka lang niya talaga at wala ka nang magagawa kung ganun. =(
Laging maririnig na nagsasabing: "Ayoko pa magkaboypren/girlpren e." o "Hindi naman niya ko gusto."
Always Be My Baby lyrics by David Cook
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die
You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I know that you'll be back girl
When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oooohhh
I know that, you'll be right back, babe
Ooooh! baby believe me it's only a matter of time
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my my baby....
You'll always be a part of me (you will always be)
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on (we will linger on....)
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
Always be my baby
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die
You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I know that you'll be back girl
When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oooohhh
I know that, you'll be right back, babe
Ooooh! baby believe me it's only a matter of time
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my my baby....
You'll always be a part of me (you will always be)
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on (we will linger on....)
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
Always be my baby
Anna by APO
Places I would go in the Philippines
I am planning to tour my own country Philippines starting this year. Below are my list. I hope I could find other people who also want to join my cruice. Nyahahaha.
3. Boracay
4. Alaminos pangasinan
5. Vigan- during Holly week
6. Pagudpud in Ilocos.
7. El Nido
8. Amanpulo
9. Camiguin.
10. Yapak beach (Puka Shell Beach)
11. Sumilon Island
12. Balinghai Beach
13. Loboc River Cruice
14. Bohol
15. Iligan
16. Surigao
17. Zamboanga
18. Davao
19. Cebu
20. Samar
3. Boracay
4. Alaminos pangasinan
5. Vigan- during Holly week
6. Pagudpud in Ilocos.
7. El Nido
8. Amanpulo
9. Camiguin.
10. Yapak beach (Puka Shell Beach)
11. Sumilon Island
12. Balinghai Beach
13. Loboc River Cruice
14. Bohol
15. Iligan
16. Surigao
17. Zamboanga
18. Davao
19. Cebu
20. Samar
Wanted Perfect GF
I am looking for a perfect girl who has the following qualities:
1. Witty, may sense kausap. Sana di madaldal. Di puro tsismis and self, me me ang topic.
2. Marunong magdala sa sarili. Elegante or can make herself attractive to different occassions.
3. At least 5"5', wag k ng taas pa sa 6" ok.
4. Di masyadong slim, chubby ng konti
5. Di masyadong maputi, ung morena perfect.
6. Marunong magsimba every Sunday.
7. Marunong sa bahay. Marunong magluto kahit sinaing or itlog.
8. Marunong maglaba- hand wash sana, kahit may washing machine.
9. Marunong mamalengke
10. Marunong mag alaga, opps ako muna ang alagaan bago ang bata- later na yun.
11. Adventurous ng konti. Di maarte. Sana di k masyadong mag make-up, or kolorete. Ilagay mo sa lugar.
12. Sana complete and ipin at di color black ang cutics at lipstick.
13. Sana wag ka pa sosyal, di ako mayaman.
14. Sana simple ka lng at may takot sa Diyos. Oh kahit sa akin. Wag mo nman akong i-under.
15. Sana honest ka.
16. Sana your a stong woman. Someone who can stand and can live even without me beside you. Cyempre I am so proud sa ganitong girl n strong and can control herself.
17. Sana yung girl have goals and know what she wants.
18. Yung girl na may dream. Yung di dream for material things but dream for everyonw.
19. Sana ikaw yung taong who live by blessing other people. Yung di selfish, yung living her life to make herself happy kasi people around her are happy because of you.
20. Di naninigarilyo at di malakas uminom ng alak.Uminom k lng ng tama.
21. Sana di k sugarol.
22. Sna di k masyadong serious sa buhay.
23. Sana di k plastic.
Actually, this post is somehow related to qualities of who I am and what I am struggling to be I what I AM in a mens perspective.
I know that no one is perfect but why not put a standard when looking for your love. I know and I do believe that one day this lady will appear and though not all qualities are in her, I believe evrything will going to be alright. Someone out their is destined for me. I just hope and pray that God will not block my eyes and let her pass to my eyes. Hey Mr. Cupid, where is the girl? I am waiting for her for so many years now?
Where are you my lady?
Here I am the man of your dreams
The man who is destined to live
To live with you and for you alone
For the rest of my life
I've long to tell you
How much I need you
If I could find the words to say
It is that I love you and I am long to have you
And to love you till my last breathe
Hey Mr. Cupid
Are you still there and alive
Why can't you find the girl?
Is your arrow still working?
Could you throw the arrow to me?
1. Witty, may sense kausap. Sana di madaldal. Di puro tsismis and self, me me ang topic.
2. Marunong magdala sa sarili. Elegante or can make herself attractive to different occassions.
3. At least 5"5', wag k ng taas pa sa 6" ok.
4. Di masyadong slim, chubby ng konti
5. Di masyadong maputi, ung morena perfect.
6. Marunong magsimba every Sunday.
7. Marunong sa bahay. Marunong magluto kahit sinaing or itlog.
8. Marunong maglaba- hand wash sana, kahit may washing machine.
9. Marunong mamalengke
10. Marunong mag alaga, opps ako muna ang alagaan bago ang bata- later na yun.
11. Adventurous ng konti. Di maarte. Sana di k masyadong mag make-up, or kolorete. Ilagay mo sa lugar.
12. Sana complete and ipin at di color black ang cutics at lipstick.
13. Sana wag ka pa sosyal, di ako mayaman.
14. Sana simple ka lng at may takot sa Diyos. Oh kahit sa akin. Wag mo nman akong i-under.
15. Sana honest ka.
16. Sana your a stong woman. Someone who can stand and can live even without me beside you. Cyempre I am so proud sa ganitong girl n strong and can control herself.
17. Sana yung girl have goals and know what she wants.
18. Yung girl na may dream. Yung di dream for material things but dream for everyonw.
19. Sana ikaw yung taong who live by blessing other people. Yung di selfish, yung living her life to make herself happy kasi people around her are happy because of you.
20. Di naninigarilyo at di malakas uminom ng alak.Uminom k lng ng tama.
21. Sana di k sugarol.
22. Sna di k masyadong serious sa buhay.
23. Sana di k plastic.
Actually, this post is somehow related to qualities of who I am and what I am struggling to be I what I AM in a mens perspective.
I know that no one is perfect but why not put a standard when looking for your love. I know and I do believe that one day this lady will appear and though not all qualities are in her, I believe evrything will going to be alright. Someone out their is destined for me. I just hope and pray that God will not block my eyes and let her pass to my eyes. Hey Mr. Cupid, where is the girl? I am waiting for her for so many years now?
Where are you my lady?
Here I am the man of your dreams
The man who is destined to live
To live with you and for you alone
For the rest of my life
I've long to tell you
How much I need you
If I could find the words to say
It is that I love you and I am long to have you
And to love you till my last breathe
Hey Mr. Cupid
Are you still there and alive
Why can't you find the girl?
Is your arrow still working?
Could you throw the arrow to me?
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Mind versus Heart
Most of the times my mind and heart are arguing. My heart says to follow what will makes ME happy. It always or maybe most of the time to do things that will makes me happy. In contrast, my mind always say NOT to because he knows what is best for me. What is best for the people around me and what is good for Gods eye.
I have some troubles understanding my own behaviour for most of the time my mind and my heart are conflicting.
There are times I want to make myself to be pasaway. I want to do crazy stuff as what others do. Here I go again, I can't say those profanity words but those stuff in my mind are things I would like to say or do.
I am, I know an adventurous person. I would like to do or experience new things. I can stay home for a month or so but you will never see me lying on my bed for the whole day. I am an active person. Hyper sometimes. I would like to do things and try things.
My only problem is that I do not have someone, a person to whom I can share and to do these crazy things stuff.
I am afraid to show or to do things. I am afraid that people will dislike me. I hate to see my family and friends to become angry or disgrace me. I know that I have to be true but the world is not that way. We want people to see as a good person. Yes, thats what I want people to see me. But the fact that I miss a lot of opportunities that I should say should I do. I might regret it for
I could never move back the hands of time. You may not understand me for I am having some trouble to express what I really want to say, or what I really want to do.
I have some troubles understanding my own behaviour for most of the time my mind and my heart are conflicting.
There are times I want to make myself to be pasaway. I want to do crazy stuff as what others do. Here I go again, I can't say those profanity words but those stuff in my mind are things I would like to say or do.
I am, I know an adventurous person. I would like to do or experience new things. I can stay home for a month or so but you will never see me lying on my bed for the whole day. I am an active person. Hyper sometimes. I would like to do things and try things.
My only problem is that I do not have someone, a person to whom I can share and to do these crazy things stuff.
I am afraid to show or to do things. I am afraid that people will dislike me. I hate to see my family and friends to become angry or disgrace me. I know that I have to be true but the world is not that way. We want people to see as a good person. Yes, thats what I want people to see me. But the fact that I miss a lot of opportunities that I should say should I do. I might regret it for
I could never move back the hands of time. You may not understand me for I am having some trouble to express what I really want to say, or what I really want to do.
Happy New Year to Everyone
Today is the first day of the year. A new day, a new year, a new
An over flowing blessings I had last year and hope it will be the
same or much more this year. I pray to God to give me more blessings this year and to make me an instrument to be a blessings to other people as well.
An over flowing blessings I had last year and hope it will be the
same or much more this year. I pray to God to give me more blessings this year and to make me an instrument to be a blessings to other people as well.
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