Love 2 Love 2 Love" concert featuring Side A, MYMP and Freestyle on February 15, 2009 8pm at the Araneta Coliseum.
Last year it was named “Back 2 Back 2 Back” featuring these three bands.
As expected Side A did classic hits “Forevermore,” “So Many Questions,” “Hold On,” “Tell Me” etc. once again, as Freestyle does “Before I Let You Go,” “Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang,” “So Slow,” “Half Crazy,” “This Time,” “Time Will Reveal,” “Paano” among other hits, while MYMP is set to dish out their signatures “Tell Me Where It Hurts,” “Kailan,” “Get Me,” “Especially For You,” “Paalam Na,” “Waiting in Vain,” and “Crazy For You,” etc. in “Love 2 Love 2 Love.”
I got the ticket from my college friends and though I have no special someone to watch this concert I still enjoyed.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Has anyone recognize this mark logo to some of the food, beverages, cosmetics or in any things we consumed everyday? I guess if your a Muslim you definitely know the mesaning of this logo. For Christians like me I become curious what this logo mean. I was eating Voice Combo biscuit when I suddenly seen this logo and ask Mr. Google.
So here's what Wikipedia says about HALAL.
Halal (حلال, ḥalāl, Halaal) is an Arabic term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law and custom. It is the opposite of haraam. The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of Muslims worldwide follow halal food standards[1] and that the global halal market is currently a $580 (U.S.) billion industry[2].
In the Arabic language, the word 'halal' refers to anything that is permissible under Islam.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What I am feeling at this moment
Hi Tots, How are you today? I believe I am not good. I am always stress at work. I hope I can go on vacation and relax. At this moment all I want to do is to laydown and sleep. Eat all d*ay and relax for a few days.
This is late but Happy Hearts Day for Everyone
I know that I am late for this post but never late then never. Allthough I never had a great time last Feb 14 because I spent all day in the office. I never got the chance to enjoy this special day with special someone. I guess its my office computer is my special someone or something, you know. Not a good day for me you know. That day I handled a critical case and spend most of my time in the conference.
Actually I was awaken that day with a pen fallen in my face. After a few minutes my cellphone rung and an officemate is asking for help to handle a case. I decided to go to the office early that day.
SO I guess you will tell that I am workaholic. I believe I am, that is how I am dedicated with my work. But the day before Feruary 14, I am lucky to have a free big bear which I was able to get for the Valentine Event in our company.
Actually I was awaken that day with a pen fallen in my face. After a few minutes my cellphone rung and an officemate is asking for help to handle a case. I decided to go to the office early that day.
SO I guess you will tell that I am workaholic. I believe I am, that is how I am dedicated with my work. But the day before Feruary 14, I am lucky to have a free big bear which I was able to get for the Valentine Event in our company.
Ten Signs That You Are Ready for a New Job or Career
You've been in your job for a few years. You get a decent paycheck and your benefits are helpful. But you wonder if something's missing. You try to tell yourself you should be happy you have such a good job, but some days you have to face how unhappy you are at work.
Are you settling? Are you making do in a job that really isn't a very good fit for you?
Read this list of ten clues to determine how many of these statements reflect how you feel about your work.
1) You get depressed every time you think of going back to work after a weekend, a long weekend, or a vacation.
The closer Monday morning gets, the more a sense of dread comes over you. You feel a pit in your stomach that you can't ignore. You wish there was something, anything, you could do to avoid going to work.
2) You spend more time recovering from work than having fun.
After you leave work each day it takes you several hours to feel like yourself again. You feel so tired all you can think about is sinking into your couch and zoning out in front of your television. You may have difficulty cooking a decent meal for dinner because you are so worn out from your stressful day at work. Over time you realize you rarely have the energy to head out after work with friends. Instead you rely on a glass of wine, a carton of ice cream, or a bowl of popcorn, and a DVD movie as your outlet for fun.
3) You watch the clock all day long.
You look at the clock on your computer, your cell phone, the wall of your office. The time creeps by, slowly, so very slowly. How often do you check the time each hour? How frequently do you check the clock in the last two hours of your work day? When time moves so slowly it's a good sign you aren't enjoying your work any more.
4) You spend too much time checking your personal email rather than working.
There are lots of ways to entertain yourself when you don't feel like working--checking your personal email, sending text messages, surfing the web, scanning opportunities on your favorite job board. How much time do you spend on non-work activities during a typical workday?
5) You take frequent mental health days.
Some days you wake up and just know you can't face a day at work. What do you do? Do you call in sick? Plan a vacation day? Fabricate a doctor appointment? Leave work early? Come up with something you need to do for your children? An occasional mental health day is a good strategy to take care of yourself. If you find you are taking more and more mental health days, you may want to take a look at why you aren't happy at work.
6) You have a resignation letter drafted and waiting.
On really bad days, do you spend time tweaking your resignation letter? Does it relieve some of your feelings of dread to imagine how you'll feel when you submit your letter or to visualize how you'll celebrate your new found freedom? Do you have a time line for when you want to resign? If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to start looking at your options so that you have something in the works when you do submit your resignation letter.
7) You complain about your job to anyone who listens.
Who knows you don't like your job? A better question may be: Who doesn't know? Do your closest friends know how frustrated you are at work? What about your immediate family members? How about your coworkers and colleagues? Do you talk with your hair stylist, manicurist or chiropractor about how unhappy you are? Are any of these people tired of hearing you complain about your work situation? Do they wish you'd get on with your life already? Rather than just talking about what's not working for you, it may be time to do some personal soul searching to determine your next move.
8) You are bored silly at work.
The tasks you do at work don't engage you any more. You've been there, done that. You can do the work in your sleep...some days you feel like you are! While you try to get your work done, you dream of having work that's fulfilling, meaningful, and engaging. You don't know what that will be, but you hope something else is out there that you can do.
9) You are consistently late for work.
No matter how hard you try, you seem to show up late for work. It's like pulling teeth to get yourself out of your house and into your car to get to work. You get distracted by the simplest tasks at home, trying to do just one more thing before you head into work. You may also find that you are showing up late for appointments, meetings, and phone calls. Your tendency to show up late may also manifest in your inability to meet deadlines at work. Although you may chalk your tardiness up to laziness or procrastination, I encourage you to see it as a sign that you don't want to be doing what you feel you must do. Time to look at your options!
10) You hope to win the lottery to solve your life's problems.
When all looks bleak, it's common to look for a miracle to get yourself out of the bind you are in. For some it's daydreaming about winning the lottery so that they no longer need a job to fulfill their monetary needs. Others may dream about what they'll do when they recieve an inheritance, finding a spouse who is stable financially, or winning big at Vegas. Whatever your dream, it's likely you are searching for confirmation that your time in this job is limited.
If you recognize any of these signs in your own life, it's time to make a commitment to yourself to explore your work options. Don't waste the days of your life in a job you don't like. Even if you can't make a move today, you can start exploring your options today. As soon as you envision what you want to do, the path that will take you to your future work will become clearer and clearer.
Are you settling? Are you making do in a job that really isn't a very good fit for you?
Read this list of ten clues to determine how many of these statements reflect how you feel about your work.
1) You get depressed every time you think of going back to work after a weekend, a long weekend, or a vacation.
The closer Monday morning gets, the more a sense of dread comes over you. You feel a pit in your stomach that you can't ignore. You wish there was something, anything, you could do to avoid going to work.
2) You spend more time recovering from work than having fun.
After you leave work each day it takes you several hours to feel like yourself again. You feel so tired all you can think about is sinking into your couch and zoning out in front of your television. You may have difficulty cooking a decent meal for dinner because you are so worn out from your stressful day at work. Over time you realize you rarely have the energy to head out after work with friends. Instead you rely on a glass of wine, a carton of ice cream, or a bowl of popcorn, and a DVD movie as your outlet for fun.
3) You watch the clock all day long.
You look at the clock on your computer, your cell phone, the wall of your office. The time creeps by, slowly, so very slowly. How often do you check the time each hour? How frequently do you check the clock in the last two hours of your work day? When time moves so slowly it's a good sign you aren't enjoying your work any more.
4) You spend too much time checking your personal email rather than working.
There are lots of ways to entertain yourself when you don't feel like working--checking your personal email, sending text messages, surfing the web, scanning opportunities on your favorite job board. How much time do you spend on non-work activities during a typical workday?
5) You take frequent mental health days.
Some days you wake up and just know you can't face a day at work. What do you do? Do you call in sick? Plan a vacation day? Fabricate a doctor appointment? Leave work early? Come up with something you need to do for your children? An occasional mental health day is a good strategy to take care of yourself. If you find you are taking more and more mental health days, you may want to take a look at why you aren't happy at work.
6) You have a resignation letter drafted and waiting.
On really bad days, do you spend time tweaking your resignation letter? Does it relieve some of your feelings of dread to imagine how you'll feel when you submit your letter or to visualize how you'll celebrate your new found freedom? Do you have a time line for when you want to resign? If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to start looking at your options so that you have something in the works when you do submit your resignation letter.
7) You complain about your job to anyone who listens.
Who knows you don't like your job? A better question may be: Who doesn't know? Do your closest friends know how frustrated you are at work? What about your immediate family members? How about your coworkers and colleagues? Do you talk with your hair stylist, manicurist or chiropractor about how unhappy you are? Are any of these people tired of hearing you complain about your work situation? Do they wish you'd get on with your life already? Rather than just talking about what's not working for you, it may be time to do some personal soul searching to determine your next move.
8) You are bored silly at work.
The tasks you do at work don't engage you any more. You've been there, done that. You can do the work in your sleep...some days you feel like you are! While you try to get your work done, you dream of having work that's fulfilling, meaningful, and engaging. You don't know what that will be, but you hope something else is out there that you can do.
9) You are consistently late for work.
No matter how hard you try, you seem to show up late for work. It's like pulling teeth to get yourself out of your house and into your car to get to work. You get distracted by the simplest tasks at home, trying to do just one more thing before you head into work. You may also find that you are showing up late for appointments, meetings, and phone calls. Your tendency to show up late may also manifest in your inability to meet deadlines at work. Although you may chalk your tardiness up to laziness or procrastination, I encourage you to see it as a sign that you don't want to be doing what you feel you must do. Time to look at your options!
10) You hope to win the lottery to solve your life's problems.
When all looks bleak, it's common to look for a miracle to get yourself out of the bind you are in. For some it's daydreaming about winning the lottery so that they no longer need a job to fulfill their monetary needs. Others may dream about what they'll do when they recieve an inheritance, finding a spouse who is stable financially, or winning big at Vegas. Whatever your dream, it's likely you are searching for confirmation that your time in this job is limited.
If you recognize any of these signs in your own life, it's time to make a commitment to yourself to explore your work options. Don't waste the days of your life in a job you don't like. Even if you can't make a move today, you can start exploring your options today. As soon as you envision what you want to do, the path that will take you to your future work will become clearer and clearer.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Dear President
Good day Madam President
It is a challenge for me to do this letter but I would like to tell the world the feelings I have with regards with our country. I would like to write something in Philippine history the say of a simple man like me about the condition and what I think most people think about our country.
Ms. Gloria Macapagal was elected as Vice President of our country when Joseph Etrada was elected as our 13th president. Due to Jueteng parolla controversy that was revealled by his companion and the Ilocos Governor Chavit Singson he was forced to resign as president of the Philippines. Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo becomes the president of our country that day. All Filipinos are hoping that life becomes much better because the country is in the hands of a woman, once more. First was with Corazon Aquino- but sorry to say she is not a good leader for me for there is no such great opportunies or good things done during here presidency. Life of Filipinos continues to go down from Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino, to Fidel Ramos, to Joseph Estrado and worsten with the hands of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
For the first time in the history of Philippines when a President got a negative zero approval rate from the results of survey. Another thing, how many times she change her Administration officials. Even the frequent changes of positions for Department of Justice, the people in the Department of Defence and the Policeman Generals. Now look on the people you appointed for these positions? If you have power to change these people why can't you yourself goes down and look for a worthy one.
There are so many people who goes on strike, rallies, people who resigned during her presidency and even people who goes out publicly to tell the problem and your wrong doings.You loose our trust and our hope. Trust for me is very important for a leader. You become a leader because we trust you, we believe in you. Now if a single person does not trust you I believe that you have to re-examine yourself and see if you are still worthy.
You heard a lot of advises, feedback from your countrymen, seeing the current situation, I know that you are very stressful and pressured but you should act now. You have to listen to your conscience and think that your family will suffer for the years or generations to come.
I am saying this because I would like you to go down to your chair because you lost your credibility, your integrity and the trust of millions of Filipino.
We suffered a lot from your actions and we need change. We need someone who can run, who can handle this country better. A nationalist person, a person who thinks not for himself but for the good of his country.
I know it is easy for me to say these things for I am not in your position. But you need to re-examine yourself, the people around you if you are still worthy to be called a leader.
Just to add, I am not agaist the government for I still believe that we need government which will lead the people. But we need people who are trusted and have a great credibility and integrity.
Hope you can hear these words.
It is a challenge for me to do this letter but I would like to tell the world the feelings I have with regards with our country. I would like to write something in Philippine history the say of a simple man like me about the condition and what I think most people think about our country.
Ms. Gloria Macapagal was elected as Vice President of our country when Joseph Etrada was elected as our 13th president. Due to Jueteng parolla controversy that was revealled by his companion and the Ilocos Governor Chavit Singson he was forced to resign as president of the Philippines. Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo becomes the president of our country that day. All Filipinos are hoping that life becomes much better because the country is in the hands of a woman, once more. First was with Corazon Aquino- but sorry to say she is not a good leader for me for there is no such great opportunies or good things done during here presidency. Life of Filipinos continues to go down from Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino, to Fidel Ramos, to Joseph Estrado and worsten with the hands of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
For the first time in the history of Philippines when a President got a negative zero approval rate from the results of survey. Another thing, how many times she change her Administration officials. Even the frequent changes of positions for Department of Justice, the people in the Department of Defence and the Policeman Generals. Now look on the people you appointed for these positions? If you have power to change these people why can't you yourself goes down and look for a worthy one.
There are so many people who goes on strike, rallies, people who resigned during her presidency and even people who goes out publicly to tell the problem and your wrong doings.You loose our trust and our hope. Trust for me is very important for a leader. You become a leader because we trust you, we believe in you. Now if a single person does not trust you I believe that you have to re-examine yourself and see if you are still worthy.
You heard a lot of advises, feedback from your countrymen, seeing the current situation, I know that you are very stressful and pressured but you should act now. You have to listen to your conscience and think that your family will suffer for the years or generations to come.
I am saying this because I would like you to go down to your chair because you lost your credibility, your integrity and the trust of millions of Filipino.
We suffered a lot from your actions and we need change. We need someone who can run, who can handle this country better. A nationalist person, a person who thinks not for himself but for the good of his country.
I know it is easy for me to say these things for I am not in your position. But you need to re-examine yourself, the people around you if you are still worthy to be called a leader.
Just to add, I am not agaist the government for I still believe that we need government which will lead the people. But we need people who are trusted and have a great credibility and integrity.
Hope you can hear these words.
Two movies on Monday
After my movie marathon last Sunday, the next day I watch my saved movies at home.
First is entitled Frost/Nixon. It is a story about the man- David Frost who challenge himself to interviewed the resigned 37th President of the United States due to Watergate case. He was able to bring out some truth and the true feeling and color of the ex-president. That is the highlight of the story.
From this story I suddenly think of the current status of our government. I know there is similarities to what is happening to our country. The only difference is that the Philippine government officials though they know to themselves that they are saying not the truth they still have face to and keeping themselves in their position.
I am hoping that these Government officials learned to accept their wrong doings and correct it.
Now the second movie is entitle "The Express". Is is a story of a great Black American who excell in American Football. At that time, Black people or they called Negro is considered a low level people with the White people. There is a racial descrimination in the Amerika especially in Texas state. The highlight of this story goes when his Football coach change his thinking and his treat to this young Negro "Ernie Davis" and to other Black Americans. Ernie died at the age of 23 because of his leukemia.
I still recommend that Philippined government officials to watch Frost/Nixon movie and hope they change. And for people who look themselves superior that the others, and for those people whose degrading themselves to watch The Express. You will find these two movies very inspiring.
First is entitled Frost/Nixon. It is a story about the man- David Frost who challenge himself to interviewed the resigned 37th President of the United States due to Watergate case. He was able to bring out some truth and the true feeling and color of the ex-president. That is the highlight of the story.
From this story I suddenly think of the current status of our government. I know there is similarities to what is happening to our country. The only difference is that the Philippine government officials though they know to themselves that they are saying not the truth they still have face to and keeping themselves in their position.
I am hoping that these Government officials learned to accept their wrong doings and correct it.
Now the second movie is entitle "The Express". Is is a story of a great Black American who excell in American Football. At that time, Black people or they called Negro is considered a low level people with the White people. There is a racial descrimination in the Amerika especially in Texas state. The highlight of this story goes when his Football coach change his thinking and his treat to this young Negro "Ernie Davis" and to other Black Americans. Ernie died at the age of 23 because of his leukemia.
I still recommend that Philippined government officials to watch Frost/Nixon movie and hope they change. And for people who look themselves superior that the others, and for those people whose degrading themselves to watch The Express. You will find these two movies very inspiring.
Life lessons
Movie Marathon
Last Sunday I went to movie house and use my winning Movie pass tickets. I got those two movie passed during one of the Events in our company. It will actualy expired this coming Sunday of February so I decided to use it.
I got to the movie house around 6PM. Ahead, I plan to watch Australia but it is already started so I go for Inkheart.
Inkheart is a story about a person they called him- Silver tongue because everything he read from a book will go into life or will happen. Any kind of things like an extra ordinary creatures or even the characters from the story or book is like they wil come into life. The story goes like the main character is seekking ways to bring his wife came out from the book because it happened then wheneve a character goes out from the book someone will go into the book. The story ended when his daugther, happened to be a Silver tongue as well make way to change the story and bring everything back to normal.
After this movie, good to me that I can still catch the next screening for Australia. Is was almost 8PM when the movie started. I am hungry that time and don't have time to go out to the movie house to buy food for I do not want to miss the start.
Australia, from the title itself happened and about the history of Australia. The movie is about the history of Australis during world war 2 when Japanese envades countries in Asia. The story is about the woman who lost her husband who at that time have a ranch in Australia. The land is called "Far Away Down". The woman- Nicole Kidman able to find new love from an Austalian man (aka. Driver / Drover) and find her motherhood love with this young kid named Nala. Nala is a native Australian boy whom Nicole "Ashley" love as if her own.
Overall, I am satisfied and happy for the movies. I recommend Australia for it is a great movie. You will find yourself inspired and will learn a lot of things from this story. About the story of love, sacrifice, acceptance, being strong, faith, hope, equallness, understanding and a lot more. You will learn alot of life lessons in this story. This is a life or history and that is one of the reason why I wath this movie for I know I will learn a lot from it. And it is true.
I got to the movie house around 6PM. Ahead, I plan to watch Australia but it is already started so I go for Inkheart.
Inkheart is a story about a person they called him- Silver tongue because everything he read from a book will go into life or will happen. Any kind of things like an extra ordinary creatures or even the characters from the story or book is like they wil come into life. The story goes like the main character is seekking ways to bring his wife came out from the book because it happened then wheneve a character goes out from the book someone will go into the book. The story ended when his daugther, happened to be a Silver tongue as well make way to change the story and bring everything back to normal.
After this movie, good to me that I can still catch the next screening for Australia. Is was almost 8PM when the movie started. I am hungry that time and don't have time to go out to the movie house to buy food for I do not want to miss the start.
Australia, from the title itself happened and about the history of Australia. The movie is about the history of Australis during world war 2 when Japanese envades countries in Asia. The story is about the woman who lost her husband who at that time have a ranch in Australia. The land is called "Far Away Down". The woman- Nicole Kidman able to find new love from an Austalian man (aka. Driver / Drover) and find her motherhood love with this young kid named Nala. Nala is a native Australian boy whom Nicole "Ashley" love as if her own.
Overall, I am satisfied and happy for the movies. I recommend Australia for it is a great movie. You will find yourself inspired and will learn a lot of things from this story. About the story of love, sacrifice, acceptance, being strong, faith, hope, equallness, understanding and a lot more. You will learn alot of life lessons in this story. This is a life or history and that is one of the reason why I wath this movie for I know I will learn a lot from it. And it is true.
Life lessons,
Learning Nihong go
Sumimasen. This is the first word I learned from the audio Nihong go lesson lend to me by my officemate. One day we were exchanging mp3 and then she opened about this mihong go audio lessons. I was self studying nihong go before. I am trying to learn how to write katakana ang hiragana and I even bough a book guide for it.
Now while in the office and even at home while doing nothing I keep on listening to it.
Here are my notes.
Pimsleur Japanese 1 - Unit 1 Notes
sumimasen eigo ga wakarimasu ka? - Excuse me, do you understand English?
iie wakarimasen. nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? - No, I don't understand. Do you understand Japanese?
hai, sukoshi wakarimasu - Yes, I understand a little
anata wa amerika jin desu ka? - Are you American?
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
~~ new vocabulary ~~
sumimasen - excuse me
eigo - English
eigo ga - English (as used in a sentence)
wakarimasu ka - Do you understand?
eigo ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand English?
ka - spoken question mark
iie - no
wakarimasu - I understand
wakarimasen - I don't understand
iie wakarimasen - No, I don't understand
nihon go - Japanese language
nihon go ga - Japanese language (as used in a sentence)
nihon go ga wakarimasu - I understand Japanese
nihon go ga wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
sukoshi - a little
sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand a little
nihon go ga sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand Japanese a little
amerika jin - American
anata wa - You (when used in a sentence)
desu - am/are
anata wa amerika jin desu - You are American
anata wa amerika jin desu ka - Are you American?
watashi wa - I (when used in a sentence)
watashi wa desu - I am
watashi wa amerika jin desu - I am American
nihon go ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand Japanese?
hai - yes
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
Now while in the office and even at home while doing nothing I keep on listening to it.
Here are my notes.
Pimsleur Japanese 1 - Unit 1 Notes
sumimasen eigo ga wakarimasu ka? - Excuse me, do you understand English?
iie wakarimasen. nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? - No, I don't understand. Do you understand Japanese?
hai, sukoshi wakarimasu - Yes, I understand a little
anata wa amerika jin desu ka? - Are you American?
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
~~ new vocabulary ~~
sumimasen - excuse me
eigo - English
eigo ga - English (as used in a sentence)
wakarimasu ka - Do you understand?
eigo ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand English?
ka - spoken question mark
iie - no
wakarimasu - I understand
wakarimasen - I don't understand
iie wakarimasen - No, I don't understand
nihon go - Japanese language
nihon go ga - Japanese language (as used in a sentence)
nihon go ga wakarimasu - I understand Japanese
nihon go ga wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
sukoshi - a little
sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand a little
nihon go ga sukoshi wakarimasu - I understand Japanese a little
amerika jin - American
anata wa - You (when used in a sentence)
desu - am/are
anata wa amerika jin desu - You are American
anata wa amerika jin desu ka - Are you American?
watashi wa - I (when used in a sentence)
watashi wa desu - I am
watashi wa amerika jin desu - I am American
nihon go ga wakarimasu ka - Do you understand Japanese?
hai - yes
hai watashi wa amerika jin desu - Yes, I am American
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