1. Sorry was never synonimous to " I won't do it again."
"We say sorry because we don't want to hurt others. And if we really mean it, we say sorry instead of saying that I will not do it again because I don'twant to hurt you again."
2. When he falls- out, it doesn't mean your giving less, its bcause he's asking too much.
"Some people falls-out not because they are asking too much. It is because the person already gets tired of waiting for you to get more serious about the relationship."
3. Crying before breakin up is good, your trying to save the relationship but after is different. Thats stupidity.
"People cry because they are in PAIN. Because of too much LOVE, connections and importance of the person. We cry after the breakup. It is not stupid to crybecause we are just human and we need to take out the pain through crying. Is it really stupid after the crying? I don't think so because we could cherish that moment for in our life we could say to ourself that we did cry because we keep on holding on and we know that deep within we are hoping for a better future."
4. There are no wasted tears, there are only inconsiderate partners.
"Yes we know that tears are never wasted but understand the fact that not all partners are inconsiderate. We are those people who are thinking for our future, we think and balance our life for our own good."
5. Bitternes is often the painful concequences of holding on.
"It is really not bitter when we want to hold the other person. We are just those types who are not afraid of showing what we are and what we feel. We are those types who fight for love till the end."
6. 3rd parties are not the main issues. Its alwyas the two of us.
"Third party should not be involve with our problem.But who do you think make them involve in the firstplace?"
7. Forgiveness is different from 2nd chances
"It's not really for a 2nd chance or for the nth times. We forgive because we believe that someday that you will change."
Quite right?
"Yes in some point but be considerate and understand both parties. That's when you started to get MATUREd about the true meaning of LIFE, of LOVE."